
474 items found
Item Results

Excellence In Writing 1 Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Grammar Linguistics Andrew Pudewa $2.00
Introduction to Classical and Christian Education (Veritas... Marlin Detweiler $2.00
01 Athens and Jerusalem Revisited Leland Ryken $3.00
01 Voddie Baucham - The Family - The Educator of Childr... Voddie Baucham $4.00
02 Classical Education 101 Marlin Detweiler $3.00
02 Julie Etter - Memory Period in the Classroom and at... Julie Etter $4.00
03 Bruce Etter - Techniques for Teaching Dialectic and Rhetoric... Bruce Etter $4.00
03 Memory Period.aif 1 Kathy Arrick $3.00
04 Marlin Detweiler - Classical Christian Education 101 Marlin Detweiler $4.00
05 Chris Perrin - Teaching Latin - Effective Ways at Home... Christopher Perrin $4.00
05 Teaching Omnibus Effectively 1 Ty Fischer $3.00
06 Imagination as a Means of Grace Leland Ryken $3.00
06 Marie Owens - Principles of Teaching Science Marie Owens $4.00
07 Marlin Detweiler Pros and Cons of Schools Homes Schools... Marlin Detweiler $4.00
07 Teaching Biology Robyn Burlew $3.00
08 Deb Chapin - All Grammar Age Children Can Love Math Deborah Chapin $4.00
08 Grammar Stage Latin Molly Carey $3.00
09 Bill Dawson Teaching Logic (part 1) Bill Dawson $4.00
09 Creating Great Projects Emily Fischer $3.00
10 Julie Etter Homeschool Journey The Aroma of Your Hom... Julie Etter $4.00
11 Day in the Life of a Homeschooler Lora Thompson $3.00
11 Laurie Detweiler The Disracted Child Marlin Detweiler $4.00
12 A Defense of Fantasy Literature Leland Ryken $3.00
12 Dale Siegenthaler Correcting Missing Math Concepts in... Dale Siegenthaler $4.00
13 Marlin Detweiler Greasing the Skids Marlin Detweiler $4.00
13 Upper Grammar Math Kathy Arrick $3.00
14 Deb Chapin Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Why They M... Deborah Chapin $4.00
14 Tips and Tricks 9 Units Andrew Pudewa $3.00
15 Bill Dawson Teaching Logic (part 2) Bill Dawson $4.00
15 Teaching Boys Andrew Pudewa $3.00
16 Purpose Driven Classroom Deborah Chapin $3.00
16 Voddie Baucham The Importance of Dad in Education Voddie Baucham $4.00
17 Voddie Baucham Family Driven Faith Voddie Baucham $4.00
17 Logic Bill Dawson $3.00
18 Voddie Baucham Recovering the Family Unit Voddie Baucham $4.00
18 Writing Andrew Pudewa $3.00
19 Guiding Children Toward Vocation and Dominion Marlin Detweiler $3.00
19 Sharon Strawbridge Give the Love of Reading From the... Sharon Strawbridge $4.00
19f School Q&A Wilson Detweiler Fischer Douglas Wilson $5.00
20 Jackie Lake and Sharon Strawbridge - Teaching Phonic... Sharon Strawbridge $3.00
20 Ty Fischer ABCs of Omnibus Ty Fischer $4.00
21 Emily Fischer Making Literature Come Alive (2nd-6th) Emily Fischer $4.00
21 Modern Foreign Language Bruce Etter $3.00
22 Church in Education Gregg Strawbridge $3.00
22 Deb Chapin The Efficient Classroom Deborah Chapin $4.00
23 Linguistics Andrew Pudewa $3.00
24 Pixie Lichtenstein Raising a Writer Pixie Lichtenstien $4.00
24 Reading Literature with CS Lewis Leland Ryken $3.00
25 Chris Perrin Rhetoric in the 21st Century Christopher Perrin $4.00
25 Writing from Pictures Andrew Pudewa $3.00
26 Integration of History Bible Literature Egypt (1) Deborah Chapin $3.00
26 Integration of History Bible Literature Egypt (1) Deborah Chapin $3.00
26 Stan Deen Teaching Through Drama Stan Deen $4.00
27 Integration of Bible History and Literature Nancy Stuart $3.00
27 Integration of Bible History and Literature Nancy Stuart $3.00
27 Sidney Henriquez Effective Bible and History in the... Sidney Henriquez $4.00
28 Chris Perrin Rhetoric in the 21st Century part 2 Christopher Perrin $4.00
28 Integration Middle ages 1 Kathy Arrick $3.00
28 Integration Middle ages 1 Kathy Arrick $3.00
29 Bible as Literature Leland Ryken $3.00
29 Bible as Literature Leland Ryken $3.00
29 Laurie Detweiler Effective Bible and hisotyr at Home Laurie Detweiler $4.00
3-6 Math Eric VanDerhoof $2.00
30 Beauty in the Grammar Stage Music, Art, and Poetry Leslie... Leslie Bustard FREE
30 Integration of History or Bible Literature 2 Deborah Chapin $3.00
30 Integration of History or Bible Literature 2 Deborah Chapin $3.00
31 Integration 2 Nancy Stuart $3.00
31 Ty Fischer The Great Books and Young Teens Ty Fischer $4.00
32 Pixie Lichtenstein Preventing Burnout in the Homesch... Pixie Lichtenstien $4.00
33 Laurie Detweiler Creative Teaching Laurie Detweiler $4.00
34 Julie Etter Teaching the Bible in Kindergarten Bruce Etter $4.00
35 Jameson and Marlin Detweiler Reflections of a Classically... Marlin Detweiler $4.00
36 Ty Fischer Omnibus - Teaching Dante Ty Fischer $4.00
36 Why We Read Classics Leland Ryken $3.00
37 Debi Long Teaching Music Marlin Detweiler $4.00
37 English Grammar Deborah Chapin $3.00
38 Thesis Crowning Achievement Ty Fischer $3.00
38 Ty Fischer Writing and Enjoying It Marlin Detweiler $4.00
39 Academic Standards Marlin Detweiler $3.00
39 Ned Bustard Art and Music - The Necessity of Beauty Marlin Detweiler $4.00
40 Kathy Arrick Spelling Can Be Difficult Kathy Arrick $4.00
41 Marlin Detweiler Thinking Outside the Box - Executing... Marlin Detweiler $4.00
41 Rhetoric Wesley Baker $3.00
42 Math K-3rd Deborah Chapin $3.00
42 Stan Deen Do I Need to Know That and the Delight of... Stan Deen $4.00
43 Marlin Detweiler A Tragectory for the Future in Classical... Marlin Detweiler $4.00
43 Math Concepts Robyn Burlew $3.00
44 Intregration part 1 Laurie Detweiler $3.00
45 Integration of History Bible Literature 1 Jonathan Daughtrey $3.00
46 Understanding the Flow ...Western HIstory.mp3 Ty Fischer $3.00
47 Transforming Culture through Music Greg Wilbur $3.00
48 Integration 2 Marlin Detweiler $3.00
49 Integration 2 Jonathan Daughtrey $3.00
50 Math Robyn Burlew $3.00
51 Drama Stan Deen $3.00
52 Christian Student Leland Ryken $3.00
A Christian Approach to Art Ned Bustard $2.00
A Day in the Life of a Homeschooler Pixie Lichtenstien $4.00
ACADEMIC STANDARDS Marlin Detweiler $3.00