Joel Willitts - Introduction
David Rudolph - New Testament Backgrounds: Introduction to Messianic Judaism
Warren Carter - The Things of Caesar: Mark-ing the Plural (Mark 12:13-17)
Brian Rosner - Paul and the Law (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2013)
Jonathan R. Wilson - Creation and the Colossian Christ in Karl Barth
Ron Haydon - Daniel’s Style of Ambiguity and the Creation of Interpretive Space (9:24-27)
Blair Wilgus - The People of God in Amos
Timothy Dalrymple - Theological Vocation and the Marketplace
John Feinberg - Inspiration and Inerrancy a Theological Perspective
Ian Jones - Iron Age I Copper Mines in Faynan, Jordan
Stephen O. Presley - A Loftier Doctrine: The Use of Scripture in Justin's Second Apology
Paul Chamberlain - Creative and Foundational Strategies for Arguing that Christianity is Irrational: A Response
James Henry Collin - Indispensability in Mathematics, Morality and Soteriology
Chris L. Firestone - Kant’s Philosophy as Grounds for a Theology of Resurrection
Edward N. Martin - What's It Like To Be a Dthat: Kaplanian Themes, Alstonian Bare Particulars and Augustinian (Trinitological) Replies to Euthyphro?
Amy Peeler - The Covenant of the Father
Joseph K. Pak - Martyrdom: A Foundational Heritage That Undergirds Korean Churches
John Lee - Compatibility of High Christology and the Uniqueness of God in Mark’s Gospel
Gregory R. Lanier - Metaphor in the New Testament: Catching Up to the Conversation on Contemporary Metaphor Theory
Bryan Blazosky - The Role the Law Does or Does Not Play in the Condemnation of Gentiles in Romans 2:12-15
Keith E. Johnson - The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ: A Trinitarian Perspective
Adam J. Johnson - Atonement: The Shape and State of the Doctrine
Daniel Whitman Houck - Deordinatio a Fine: A Modified Thomist View of Original Sin
Ryan Griffith - The Role of Confession in the Christian Life: A Biblical - Theological Assessment
Daniel Janosik - Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Christian Church’s Response to the First Islamic Invasion, and How it Compares to the Church’s Response to Islam Today
Ronald Rothenberg - The Ecclesiological Solution to the Crisis of the Immigrant Church: Parallel Ministry or ‘One Church,’ Dual Congregationalism (Acts 6:1-7)
Katie J. McCoy - More Than a Pulpit: A Response to Elizabeth Flowers on the Woman Question in the Southern Baptist Convention
Andre A. Gazal - Reforming Catholicity in Tudor England: John Jewel's Doctrine of the Universal Church
Kendell Easley - On the Horns of an Ecclesiatical Praxis Dilemma: Two Professors Reflect on Their Experience of the Current Church Divide
Corey Latta - On the Horns of an Ecclesiatical Praxis Dilemma: Two Professors Reflect on Their Experience of the Current Church Divide
Mark D Thompson - The Gathering Purpose of God: Ekklesia in Biblical Theological Perspective
Jeffrey C. Calhoun - Toward an Understanding of the Normative Value of Contextualized Doctrine
Ian J. Vaillancourt - Psalm 118 and the Eschatological Son of David
D. A. Carson - Why the Local Church Is More Important than TGC, White Horse Inn, 9Marks, and Maybe Even ETS
Matthew McAffee - Life and Body Parts: kbd "liver" and lb "heart" in Ugaritic and Biblical Hebrew
Darrell Bock - The Restoration of Israel in Luke-Acts
Todd Wilson - The Supersession and Superfluity of the Law? Another Look at Galatians
Justin K. Hardin - Sayings of Jesus: Jesus and Empire: Caesar's Coin Saying
John Dickson - Mission-Commitment in Second Temple Judaism
Gerald Hiestand - Theological Vocation and the Church
Jeffrey Morrow - Alfred Loisy, Assyriology and the old Testament
Karen H. Jobes - Putting Words in His Mouth: The Son Speaks in Hebrews
Ronald V. Huggins - "The Two Sides of Ceasar’s Coin”: Where does Evil Reside, in the Self or in the Structures? How our Personal Sitz im Leben affects the Way We read Jesus’s Political Statements.
Justin K. Hardin - Equality in the Church
Wesley Hill - Karl Barth and the Word Made Flesh
Daniel Block - A Place for My Name: The Role of Zion in the Mosaic Vision of Israelite Worship
Gary V. Smith - The Destruction of Babylon in Isaiah 46-47
Ashish J. Naidu - Mere Mimesis or Inner Transformation? Ancient Discourse and John Chrysotom on Christian Praxis
Thomas D. Pearson - Ecclesiology as Social Practice: Alasdair MacIntyre on Una Sancta
Myron A. Penner - Bounded Sets, Centered Sets, and Christian Identity: Navigating the Philosophical and Theological Landscape
David C. Burris - Prior Probabilities, Miracles, and Naturalism
James S. Spiegel - Immaterialism as Handmaid: How Berkeleyan Idealism Enhances Christian Theology
Stephen R. Miller - A Literal Interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27
Michael A G Haykin - Inerrancy and Inspiration in the Fathers
Jeff Fisher - Early Foundations for Debated Doctrines: Melanchthon and Oecolampadius on the Extent and Application of Christ’s Death
Steven A. Austin - Jerusalem Earthquake of 33 A.D.: Evidence within Laminated Mud of the Dead Sea
Ron C. Fay - Μη γενοιτο as Thematic Marker in Romans: A Guide to Paul’s Argument
Jordan P. Barrett - Revisiting Augustine on Divine Simplicity: The Significance of Context, Scripture, and Theology
Everett Berry - The Perseverance of the Saints or the Elect? Revisiting the Longstanding Influence of Augustinian Soteriology on Reformed & Non-Reformed Responses to the Question of Apostasy
William T. Chandler - A Union Dissolved: How Universal Salvation renders Superfluous the New Covenant Union of Christ and His Bride
R. Larry Overstreet - Hermeneutical Problem? Homiletical Opportunity!
Marcus McArthur - Church, State, and Treason: The Crisis of Border State Ecclesiology during the Civil War
Malcolm Gill - Missing in Action: Theological Reflection on the Absence of the Aged, Widowed, and Disenfranchised in Contemporary Evangelical Church Planting Movements
Dorothy Kelley Patterson - Women and the Church: Does the Bible Speak Clearly on How a Woman Serves the Church?
Robert Caldwell - "What is Christ to Me, if He is Not Mine?": Andrew Croswell, Antinomianism, and the Gospel of Free Grace in the First Great Awakening
Erez Soref - Our father Abraham Sacrificed Two Sons! Literary Parallels that Challenge Two Sons to Live Together in the Middle East as the One New Man in Christ
Seth Postell - Our father Abraham Sacrificed Two Sons! Literary Parallels that Challenge Two Sons to Live Together in the Middle East as the One New Man in Christ
William D. Henard III - Ecclesiae Renovationis: Church Revitalization as an Ecclesiological Necessity
Keith W. Plummer - John Owen, the Self-Attestation of Biblical Authority, and its Significance for Christian Apologetics
David W. Chapman - Hang Him Upon a Tree – Impalement and Bodily Suspension in Egypt, the ANE, and the Hebrew Bible
Adam Z. Wright - Has the Synoptic Problem Been Solved and Where Do We Go From Here? A Linguistic Analysis of the Parable of the Mustard Seed in the Synoptic Gospels
Frank Thielman - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Thomas R. Schreiner - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Joel Willitts - The Bride of Messiah and the Israel-ness of the New Heavens and New Earth
Marc Cortez - Theological Vocation and the Academy
Mark Dever - Lose the Church, Lose the Gospel
R. Kendall Soulen - The Standard Canonical Narrative and the Problem of Supersessionism
David Sloan -
Mark Kinzer - New Testament Ecclesiology and the Jewish People
Adeeb Mickahail - The Yahu Temple on the Elephantine Island in Egypt
David M. Moffitt - The Worship of the Great High Priest: Some Reflections on the Humanity and Atoning Work of the Son in Hebrews
Nicholas Perrin - Giving Caesar His Due: The Religio-Political Significance of Mark 12:13-17
Gregory Alan Thornbury - Theology of Work: The Economics of the Theological Vocation
Timothy Dalrymple - Theology of Work: The Economics of the Theological Vocation
Gerald Hiestand - Theology of Work: The Economics of the Theological Vocation
Marc Cortez - Theology of Work: The Economics of the Theological Vocation
Douglas Moo - New Testament Backgrounds: Introduction to Messianic Judaism
Chris Green - A Heavenly, Theological Song: Karl Barth on Revelation 4-5 in CD III/3
Peter J. Gentry - Parameters for Correct Interpretation of Daniel 9:24-27
William D. Barker - Isaiah's Kingship Polemic: the Shared Tradition Between Ugaritic Literature and Isaiah 24-27
Susan Ramsey - Exploring the Sources of Isaac of Nineveh’s ‘Harbor Full of Rest’
Ray Yeo - The Difficulty with the Perception of Divine Intrinsic Goodness
David C. Cramer - The Christian Witness to the State: Political Thought across the Ecclesial Spectrum
Carl Mosser - The Metaphysics of Participation in God and Union with God
Matthew Flannagan - Mackie’s Solution to the Error Theory: A Response to Richard Joyce
Peter Williams - How Use of Poor Terminology Can Cause Unnecessary Problems for Advocates of Inerrancy
Gavin Ortlund - Beyond the ‘Problem of Anselm:’ A Fresh Look at Anselm of Canterbury’s Theological Epistemology
Josh Chatraw - Bart Ehrman on the Empty Tomb and the Resurrection: An Evaluation of His Arguments
Paul Smythe - Did Ignatius use Hebrews?
John Goodrich - No Longer against Flesh and Blood: Paul, Scripture, and the Transformation of God’s Enemies
Barry D. Smith - Divine Simplicity as Transcendental Illusion
Stanley K. Fowler - Perseverance, Grace and Election in Baptist Theology
Wayne Grudem - Salvation without Repentance from Sin? A Critique of the “Free Grace” Gospel
Yunsoo Park - A Reflection of Strengths and Weaknesses of the New Homiletic for the Purpose of Making a Difference in Expository Sermon
Daryl E. McCarthy - Does Revival Lead to Reformation? Learning from the History of Revivals in Universities
Bob Freiberg - When Johnny Comes Marching Home: Helping Combat Vets in the Local Church who Suffer from the Trauma of War
John McKinley - Towards a Fuller Expression of Complementarianism in Church Life
Jason Matossian - Ecclesiastical Authority, Conscience, and Sincerity: The Bangorian Controversy and the Question of Secularization
Stan Meyer - Battling Ecclesiologies within the Modern Messianic-Jewish Movement
D. Glenn Butner - For and Against “de Regnon”: Trinitarianism East and West
Justin L. Allison - Allusion to Exodus 19:16 in Zechariah 9:14
Philip T. Duncan - Agapic Remembering: Applying Justice in Love to How the Church Remembers Collectively
Andrew Das - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Linda Belleville - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Alan Streett - Sayings of Jesus: Jesus and Empire: Caesar's Coin Saying
Scot McKnight - New Testament Backgrounds: Introduction to Messianic Judaism
Rami Arav - The Talpioth Ossuaries
Harold W. Attridge - How Atoning Sacrifice Works in Hebrews
Michael S. Horton - How the Marks of the Church Inform Its Mission
Brian Rosner - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Harry Hahne - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Preston Sprinkle - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Frank Thielman - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Thomas R. Schreiner - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Andrew Das - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Linda Belleville - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Eckhard Schnabel - Pauline Studies (invited): Paul and the Law
Carsten Card-Hyatt - "If you really hear the call to repentance, how could you not hear the Gospel?" Barth on James 1:2-4
Andrew Hill - Old Testament Theology and Worship: A Prospective Look
Dave Deuel - Missions to the Borders in the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East
Sanjay Merchant - A Brief History of Tritheism: Philoponus, Roscelin, and Gilbert
Kevin E. Voss - Contraception and Covenant: An Application of Paul Ramsey’s Covenant-Centered Ethic to the Contraception Debate in Moral Theology
Jason McMartin - Evaluating Physicalist Options for a Theology of Holy Saturday
Michael L. Gurney - Gay Marriage and the Church: The Public Relevance of Theistic Morality
Richard S. Hess - Reconsidering the Seventy-Sevens of Daniel 9
J. Michael Thigpen - "From the Mouth of God:" Inspiration and Inerrancy in Old Testament Perspective
Dennis Plaisted - The Problem of God’s Appropriation of Evil
Morgan Reed - A Sixth Century Syriac Homily on the Lord's Prayer: Humanity's Slavery Contract Lacks the Valid Signatures
Patrick Jones - A Faithful Anamnesis? Evaluating the Uneasy Relationship Between Evangelicals, Inerrancy, and Social Memory Theory
Channing L. Crisler - The Apostle Paul and the Introspective Conscience of his Apostleship: Reconsidering a New Perspective Tendency in Light of Paul's Reflections on his Apostleship
Andrew W. Pitts - πíστiς Word Groups outside of the New Testament and the πíστiς Xρiστo? Debate
Stanley E. Porter - πíστiς Word Groups outside of the New Testament and the πíστiς Xρiστo? Debate
Justin J. Daeley - Divine Freedom and Contingency: An Intelligibility Problem for (Some) Theistic Compatibilists
Adam Co - Understanding the Doctrine of Union with Christ within the Kingship and Kingdom Motif of Scripture: Uniting Key Emphases in Paul and in Jesus Canonically
Adam Harwood - Did Millard Erickson revise His View of General Revelation and Human Responsibility in Christian Theology, Third Edition (2013)?
Jonathan W. Arnold - To Condemn or Not to Condemn: the Paradox of Early Baptist Ecclesiology
Patrick S. Franklin - The Significance of Theological Anthropology for Ecclesiology
Scott R. Jackson - The Church and Homosexuality: A Theological and Pastoral Response to Growing Challenges
Glenn Kreider - The Church in the Future: The Eschatology of Jonathan Edwards
R. Douglas Geivett - A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to the Worldwide Apostles and Prophets Movement
Taylor Worley - Anxiety, Resoluteness, and Hope: Heidegger and Bonhoeffer on Death
Kevin Hall - A History of Interpretation: The Beatitudes, Happiness & Jonathan Edwards
Ishwaran Mudliar - Malachi 2:16 in Hebrew and the Ancient Versions
Steven W. Smith - Recapturing the Voice of God: Sermons Shaped by Reanimation of the Genre of the Text
Scott Bartchy - Slaves and Slavery in the Roman World
Charles Martin - What has Social History to do with Hebrews? Familial Language within an Interpretive Framework
Daniel B. Wallace - The Ignorance of the Son in Matthew 24.36: A Study in Textual and Redaction Criticism
John Shouse - A Typology for Evangelical Engagement with Islam: A Theological Analysis and Assessment
Leo Percer - Paul's Vision of the Church: Embodied or Electronic?
Jerry Root - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis
R. Douglas Geivett - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis
Dennis Fisher - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis
Jeff Baxter - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis