
Veritas Press - Impact of Classical Christian Education (58 mp3s)

Organization: Veritas Press
Price: $99.00 FREE

This online conference includes 58 (mp3s) entitled, "The Impact of Classical Christian Education," the Veritas Press 2008 Online Teacher Training Conference held August 6-8, 2008, featuring speakers such as Joel Belz, Marlin Detweiler, R.C. Sproul, Jr., Ty Fischer, Andrew Pudewa, Jay Wile, Chris Perrin, Brian Godowa, Douglas Wilson, and more (see the complete list of speakers here and the complete schedule and description of each session.

Marlin Detweiler Marlin is the President of Veritas Press, a full service curriculum provider for classical Christian education. Marlin was a founding board member for Veritas Academy in Lancaster, PA and The Geneva School, Orlando, FL. More about Marlin Detweiler.
58 items found

Items Included

A Day in the Life of a Homeschooler Pixie Lichtenstien
ACCS - Current Benefits and Future Plans Patch Blakey
Advanced Latin Joanna Veith Hensley
Art to the Glory of God Ned Bustard
Building Character in a School Tom Garfield
Charlotte and Dorothy - Reconcilable Differences Nancy Donaldson
Classical Christian Education - Bringing Unity to the Church Joel Belz
Classical Christian Education 101 Marlin Detweiler
Classical Christian Education and the Future Douglas Wilson
Classical Christian Education and the Home Douglas Wilson
Classical Christian Education and the World of Business Kjell Christophersen
Creative Teaching Laurie Detweiler
Development - A Complete Approach Gene Liechty
Drawing with Children Tom Garfield
Effective Latin at Home and School Christopher Perrin
Films and Teens Brian Godawa
Financing College David Karp
Grammar - Music, Art and Poetry Leslie Bustard
Homeschooling - Legal Rights and Responsibilities T.J. Schmidt
Homeschooling in a World of Options Arnie Abens
How to Be an Effective Board Member Marlin Detweiler
Institute for Excellence in Writing - Advanced Andrew Pudewa
Institute for Excellence in Writing for Beginners Andrew Pudewa
Literature Fair Sidney Henriquez
Loving Math in Grammar School Deborah Chapin
Making Grammar Stick in Grammar School Pixie Lichtenstien
Making Science Come Alive Tammy Duby
Memory Period at School Eric VanDerhoof
Memory Work at Home Julie Etter
Mock Trial - Rhetoric in Action Christopher Schlect
Motivating Older Children Stan Deen
Music in the Classical Education Model Greg Wilbur
Olive Shoots Around the Table Sam and Mary Andreades
Raising Daughters Nancy Wilson
Raising Sons Douglas Wilson
Rhetoric in the 21st Century Christopher Perrin
Study Skills for Secondary Students Bruce Etter
Succeeding in Secondary Math Jim Nance
Teaching Bible and History at Home Laurie Detweiler
Teaching Bible and History at School Sidney Henriquez
Teaching Logic Part 1 Jim Nance
Teaching Logic Part 2 Jim Nance
Teaching Modern Foreign Language Bruce Etter
Teaching Reading K-2 Sharon Strawbridge
Teaching Spelling Andrew Pudewa
Teaching Techniques for Dialectic and Rhetoric Students Bruce Etter
Teaching the Bible to Little Ones Julie Etter
Teaching Through Drama Stan Deen
The ABCs of Omnibus Ty Fischer
The Art of Lapbooking Tammy Duby
The Distracted Child Laurie Detweiler
The Efficient Classroom Deborah Chapin
The Great Books and Young Teens Bruce Etter
The Role of the Father in Education R. C. Sproul Jr.
Using Current Events in Education Joel Belz
Veritas Press Scholars Academy Marlin Detweiler
What We Look for in a Student Jeffrey Lantis
You Can Teach Science at Home Jay Wile