
01 Denis O. Lamoureux No Adam The Evolutionary Creation Position

01 Denis O. Lamoureux No Adam   The Evolutionary Creation Position
Part 1 of a 4 part series.
Topic: Adam
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00

A Session from the 65th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society - "Evangelicalism, Inerrancy, and ETS," Baltimore, MD November 19–21, 2013.

HERMENEUTICS Four Views on The Historical Adam
Moderators: Matthew Barrett (California Baptist University) A. B. Caneday (Northwestern College)
Denis O. Lamoureux (St. Joseph’s College, the University of Alberta) No Adam: The Evolutionary Creation Position
John H. Walton (Wheaton College) Adam and Eve as Archetypes
C. John Collins (Covenant Theological Seminary) Adam and Eve: Who They Were and Why We Should Care
William Barrick (The Master’s Seminary) A Historical Adam, Young-Earth Creation View

Denis O. Lamoureux - St. Josephs College, the University of Alberta

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