
Dr. C. John Collins

Dr. C. John Collins

C. John "Jack" Collins is a North American academic and professor of Old Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary,[1] where he has served since 1993. He received a BS and MS (computer science and systems engineering) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, an MDiv from Faith Evangelical Lutheran Seminary, and a PhD in Biblical Hebrew linguistics from the School of Archaeology and Oriental Studies, University of Liverpool. Collins was Old Testament Chairman for the ESV Study Bible, served as ESV Text Editor for The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear New Testament (Crossway, 2006), and is Old Testament Editor of the English Standard Version Study Bible.

Downloadable Sets

ETS 2013 Four Views on The Historical Adam (4 mp3s) 4 $16.00

12 items found

Biblical Authority and Human Origins: Reading the Hebrew Bible  
Biblical Authority and Human Origins: Reading the Hebrew Bible  
Biblical Authority and Human Origins: Reading the Hebrew Bible  
Biblical Authority and Human Origins: Reading the Hebrew Bible  
A Biblical Assessment William Lane Craig's In Quest of the Historical Adam  
Recent Inerrancy Studies and the Old Testament  
C. John Collins - Genesis 1–11, Poetry, History, Science, Truth - Progress Repor...  
The Role of Genesis 24 in Our Understanding of Genesis 1  
ETS 2014 Hermeneutics and the Historicity of Adam (3 hours)  
C. John Collins - A Historical Adam, Old-Earth Creation View  
03 C. John Collins Adam and Eve Who They Were and Why We Should Care  
The Role of Genesis 24 in Our Understanding of Genesis 1