
ETS 2013 - Evangelicalism, Inerrancy, and ETS (570 mp3s)

Speaker: Dr DA Carson
Price: $500.00 $49.97

Over 570 mp3s! All Captured Recordings from the 65th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society - "Evangelicalism, Inerrancy, and ETS," Baltimore, MD November 19–21, 2013.

View the complete program here: ETS 2013 Schedule and Sessions.

Plenary Sessions (5 mp3s):
P1 John M. Frame (Reformed Theological Seminary) - Inerrancy - A Place to Live
P2 D.A. Carson (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) - An Evaluation of Some Recent Discussions on the Doctrine of Scripture
P3 Ben Witherington III (Asbury Theological Seminary) - The Truth Will Out: An Historian’s Perspective on the Inerrancy Controversy
P4 Plenary Panel Discussion (John Frame, D.A. Carson, Ben Witherington III)
P5 PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS Robert W . Yarbrough (Covenant Theological Seminary) - The Future of Cognitive Reverence for the Bible

View the Program Units and Other ETS 2013 Items Here (all included in this item).

Disclaimer: Our goal was to record each of the sessions. However, in this kind of quantity usually some sessions are not recorded due to equipment malfunction, etc. As it turned out, about 574 sessions were captured. Contact us for questions.

DA Carson Donald A. Carson is research professor of New Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. Dr. Carson received the Bachelor of Science in chemistry from McGill University, the Master of Divinity from Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, and the Doctor of Philosophy in New Testament from Cambridge University. Dr. Carson has written or edited more than 45 books, including... read more
561 items found

Items Included

-PLENARY 01 Inerrancy - A Place to Live John M. Frame
-PLENARY 02 An Evaluation of Some Recent Discus...octrine of Scripture DA Carson
-PLENARY 03 The Truth will Out: an Historians P...nerrancy Controversy Ben Witherington III
-PLENARY 04 Panel Discussion on Inerrancy MULTIPLE SPEAKERS
-PLENARY 05 The Future of Cognitive Reverence for the Bible Robert W. Yarbrough
01 Denis O. Lamoureux No Adam The Evolutionary Creation Position Denis O. Lamoureux
01 James R. A. Merrick Introducing the Discussion James R.A. Merrick
02 John H. Walton Adam and Eve as Archetypes John H. Walton
02 R. Albert Mohler Jr. Classic Inerrancy is Ne...vangelical Integrity Albert Mohler
03 C. John Collins Adam and Eve Who They Were and Why We Should Care C. John Collins
03 Peter E. Enns Abandoning Inerrancy Is Necess...vangelical Integrity Peter E. Enns
04 Michael F. Bird Inerrancy is Not Necessary f...lism Outside the USA Michael F. Bird
04 William Barrick A Historical Adam Young-Earth Creation View William Barrick
05 Kevin J. Vanhoozer Augustinian Inerrancy A WellVersed Account Kevin J Vanhoozer
06 John R. Franke Inerrancy and the Missional God John R. Franke
07 Mohler Enns Bird Franke Panel Discussion Fi...errancy with Q and A MULTIPLE SPEAKERS
A Biblical Theology of Authority for Christian Organizations Sarah Sumner
A. B. Caneday From Garden to City - Covenantal Relationships A. B. Caneday
A. B. Caneday Glory in the Tabernacle of the Fl...n the Gospel of John A. B. Caneday
A. Boyd Luter The New Testament Continuation of Israels Land Promise A. Boyd Luter
A. Rahel Schafer Wailing Walls and Fearful the Hebrew Bible A. Rahel Schafer
A. Sue Russell What Are Biblical Gender Roles -...logical Perspectives A. Sue Russell
Aaron W. White Pauls Rhetorical Employment of to Stanley Porter Aaron W. White
Abidan Paul Shah From Mills to Muenster - How...Tradition of the NT Abidan Paul Shah
Abner Chou A Biblical Theology of Vision - See...niel, Paul, and John Abner Chou
Adam Chambers Re-Centering the Temple - The O..., 4th to 7th c. A.D. Adam Chambers
Adam Co The Role of Gospel-Love in the Union with Christ Adam Co
Adeeb Mickahail The Inerrancy, Iconoclasm, and...Israelite Polytheism Adeeb Mickahail
Adumbrations of Atonement Theology in the Fourth Gospel DA Carson
Aída Besançon Spencer Leadership of Women in Cr...Model for the Church Aída Besançon Spencer
Alan Myatt Worldview and Gender - Ideas and Consequences Alan Myatt
Alan S. Bandy No More Us and Them - An Analysis...s in Pauls Teachings Alan S Bandy
Alan Strange Inerrancy, Charles Hodge and the Spirituality of the Church Alan Strange
Allison Thornton Gods Deviant Causation of Religious Experience Allison Thornton
Andre A. Gazal In Defense of the Perspicuity an...on Stanislaus Hosius Andre A. Gazal
Andrew H. Kim A Biblical Theology of Nations -...minary Investigation Andrew H. Kim
Andrew J. Schmutzer Rethinking Psalm 91 in Its Apotropaic Tradition Andrew J. Schmutzer
Andrew T. Abernethy God as Instructor in the Psalter Andrew T. Abernethy
Andrew T. Dvoracek Attempting to Quantify Inter-textuality Andrew T. Dvoracek
Andy Naselli Defining the Conscience (S??e?d?s?...s and Why It Matters Andy Naselli
Angus Menuge Information and the Mind Body Problem Angus Menuge
Ant Greenham The Ethics of Silence in Witness to Muslims Ant Greenham
Anthony R. Pyles Grace that is Greater than All...ation of Zechariah 3 Anthony R. Pyles
Antonio Gonzalez The Triune God in Latino - a P...nds and Trajectories Antonio Gonzalez
Armin D. Baum Content and Form - The Ancient C...inder to Bart Ehrman Armin D. Baum
Armin D. Baum Is Biblical Inerrancy a Biblical...w Testament Evidence Armin D. Baum
Ashish J. Naidu Biblical Authority and the Mini...with John Chrysostom Ashish J. Naidu
Ashish J. Naidu The First Adam-Second Adam Typo...Cyril of Alexandria Ashish J. Naidu
Ashish J. Naidu The First AdamSecond Adam Typol...AlexandriaM2DN 0101 Ashish J. Naidu
Ashish Varma United with Christ but Not Changed...for Christian Virtue Ashish Varma
Azel Kim Kerygmatic Act - A Pragmatic Linguist...he Apostles 17.16-32 Azel Kim
Barry D. Smith The Oneness of God or the Necessary Oneness of God Barry D. Smith
Ben DeVan Why do Evangelicals need New Atheists/ism Ben DeVan
Ben Sutton Becoming Prophets - Act 10.34-43 an...ophecies about Jesus Ben Sutton
Benjamin C. Shin A Pauline Perspective on Shame...n the Christian Life Benjamin C. Shin
Benjamin C. Shin Meetings, Meals, and Mentorshi...for a New Generation Benjamin C. Shin
Benjamin J. Noonan The Presence and Significanc...n the Book of Daniel Benjamin J. Noonan
Bill Crouse Did Sennacherib, King of Assyria, Worship Wood From Noahs Ark Bill Crouse
Bill Crouse The Geography of Genesis 8.4 Bill Crouse
Blessedness and Wholeness – Human Flourishing f...Sermon on the Mount Jonathan T. Pennington
Blueprint for Change - Contributions of Ethics...n Baptist Convention Kimberly Pennington
Bob Cole Psalm Twenty-Three Speaketh Not of Thee Bob Cole
Brad F. Mellon An Evangelical Foundation for Modern Bioethics Brad F. Mellon
Brannon Ellis John Calvin Brannon Ellis
Brent Parker Israel, Christ & the Church Brent Parker
Brian J. Wright Multiculturalism in the Early C...pful NT Trajectories Brian J. Wright
Brian Larsen Literary and Theological Aspects of Surprise in the Bible Brian Larsen
Brian Neil Peterson The Author(s) of Samuel -...omist 70 Years Later Brian Neil Peterson
Brian W. Bunnell The Canaanite Woman Episode -...ry of Interpretation Brian W. Bunnell
Bruce A. Ware Is Middle Knowledge Calvinism Viable Bruce A. Ware
Bruce Clark Critical Questions concerning Pauls Use of Faith Terminology
Bruce Compton Continuationism and a Closed Cano...evels of NT Prophecy Bruce Compton
Bryan R. Dyer The Epistolary Closing of of Pseudepigraphy Bryan R. Dyer
C. L. Brinks Teaching as One Who Had Authority...among Greek Scribes C. L. Brinks
C. Rebecca Rine Jesus Among the Philosophers an...andrias Protreptikos C. Rebecca Rine
Can PISTIS Mean Faith and Faithfulness at the Same Time Kevin McFadden
Carmen Imes Taking Exodus 20.7 in Vain - The H...of the Name Command Carmen Imes
Caroline P. Buie The Process God, Feminist Womens Literature Caroline P. Buie
Chad Brand Faith and Work - The Baptist Contribution Chad Brand
Chad Van Dixhoorn Assembling a doctrine of scri...Synod of Westminster Chad Van Dixhoorn
Charles Edward White The Wesley Brothers and th...flict over Scripture Charles Edward White
Charles Edward White The Wesley Brothers and th...flict over Scripture
Charles F. Aling A Fresh Look at 18th Dynasty E...iblical Implications Charles F. Aling
Charles Savelle The Prohibitions in Acts 15 Revisited Charles Savelle
Charles Savelle The Prohibitions in Acts 15 Revisited (second reading) Charles Savelle
Charlie Self Living the Future Now - Pentecost...conomics Integration Charlie Self
Charlie Trimm Genocide and Inerrancy - A Categ...on of the Canaanites Charlie Trimm
Chip M. Anderson Why do Young New Atheists need Evangelical Inerrantists Chip M. Anderson
Chris Gehrz The Global Reflex - An Internation...artzs Moral Minority Chris Gehrz
Christopher Dost On Jots and Tittles The Tiberian Masorah and Inerrancy
Christopher Green Karl Barth on the "Shadow Side:" a Way Forward Christopher Green
Christopher Hall Panel Discussion and Respondent Adam Eve and the Fall Christopher A. Hall
Christopher Hall Panel Discussion and Respondent: Adam, Eve and the Fall Christopher A. Hall
Christopher R. Brewer Exploring the Possibility...ti and T.J. Gorringe Christopher R. Brewer
Christopher R. Bruno Jesus as the True Israel -...of the Remnant Theme Christopher R. Bruno
Christopher W. Cowan The Warning Passages of He...em and Buist Fanning Christopher W. Cowan
Clyde E. Billington The Elah Fortress, the Hig...Attack on Jerusalem Clyde E. Billington
Coleman M. Ford The Myth of Cappadocian Consens...tological Reflection Coleman M. Ford
Cornelis Van Dam Interpreting Historical Narrat...ioning a Methodology Cornelis Van Dam
Covenantal Apologetics K. Scott Oliphint