
ETS Monthly Subscription (2004-2021) (8900 mp3s!)

ETS Monthly Subscription (2004-2021) (8900 mp3s!)
Organization: ETS National
Price: $20.00/month 1st month $9.97

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9561 items found

Items Included

"" Plenary"" - Complements not Substitutes: Bib...and Economic Freedom Anne Bradley
""01 Plenary - Finding Christ in the Old Testament Gregory K. Beale
""01 PLENARY Scriptural Inerrancy: The Witness of Andrew Fuller Michael Haykin
""02 Plenary - Mark Bailey - Dallas Theological Seminary Breakfast Mark Bailey
""02 PLENARY The Spirit and Mission Craig Keener
""03 Plenary - Jesus Messiah as Isaiah's Servan...stament Explorations Jeannine K. Brown
""03 Plenary In Defense of Penal Substitution William Lane Craig
""04 Plenary - How Christian Philosophers can S...nd Biblical Scholars J. P. Moreland
""04 PLENARY Rediscovering the Holy Spirit and...atology in Dogmatics Michael S. Horton
""05 Plenary Presidential - 2 Peter 3:2, the Ap...Bi-Covenantal Canon Michael J. Kruger
""06 Plenary - From Alpha to Omega: A Biblical-...od the Son Incarnate Stephen J. Wellum
""Plenary"" Poor Theology: A Christian Theology of Poverty and Wealth Michael Andres
""Plenary"" The Temptations of an Evangelical Theologian Albert Mohler
""Plenary"" What Are You Guarding? Anger and It...Christian Tradition Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
"-Plenary 1" Shock and Awe: The Reformers and Joy of Romans 1-8 Gwenfair Walters Adams
"-Plenary 2" - Timothy George - Where Are the N...Devil and Dr. Luther Timothy George
"-Plenary 3" John Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life Scott Manetsch
"-Plenary 4" C. Stephen Evans - Why Reformation...ristian Philosophers Stephen Evans
"-Plenary 5" Revelatory Gifts of the Spirit and...matics Evangelicals? Sam Storms
"‘In Ordinary Speech': Gregory of Elvira's Christological Preaching" Richard A. Brumback-III
"A Husband of One Wife" (1 Tim 3:2, 12; Titus 1:6): What Does It Mean? David H. Warren
"A Mixed Multitude": Gentiles in the Messianic Movement Hélène Dallaire
"Abraham Rejoiced to See My Day and Saw It": Jesus' Take on Theophanies Randy Rheaume
"All whom the Father gives me" (John 6:37): Ele...n the Gospel of John Murray Smith
"Ayer" The Past State of Hispanic Theological E...US and Latin America M. Daniel Carroll R.
"Bondage or Blessing? Resolving the tension in...n wealth in 1 Tim 6" Greg A. Couser
"Burn it to Ashes!" Gospel Justice for the Poor in Luther's 95 Theses Greg Forster
"Can We Believe in Creation and Evolution?" – Research Project James K. Hoffmeier
"Christ Voluntarily Subjected Himself to the Cr...dwards on John 10:18 Glenn R. Kreider
"Cocoa and cloth": The Godly Use of "our lands, of William Kiffen Michael Haykin
"Cognitive Coupling:" A Hermeneutic for Interpr...enomenon (hendiadys) Kyle D. Rapinchuk
"Common Possession" (RB 33:6, cf. Acts 4:32): P...Rule of St. Benedict John Bayer
"Continual Prosperity Belongs to God Alone": At...and Divine Beatitude Tyler R. Wittman
"Draw Near": Worship in Hebrews David Allen
"For You Are Our Father": Abraham Traditions in the Book of Isaiah Benjamin M. Smith
"Formally, it is noe worship:" Marriage, Nature...-Reformation England Andrew J. Martin
"Giving Sustenance to the Sons of God": Martin...for Economic Justice Bradford Littlejohn
"Grace in Place of Grace": Perfections of Grace in Old and New Covenants Paul Lamicela
"Happy in His Doing": The Macarisms and Message of James 1 Kenneth Trax
"He Did What Was Right in the Sight of Yahweh":...praisals of Hezekiah Paul S. Evans
"He labors because he believes": Faith and Rede...Cyprian of Carthage Brian J. Arnold
"He Who Is and the Angel of Him Who Is": of Christophanies Rex D. Butler
"How Shall We Sing the Prosperity Gospel's Song...Evangelical Church?" Matthew Westerholm
"Hoy" The Present State of Hispanic Theological...US and Latin America Juan Martinez
"I Will Be His God, and He Will Be My Son": The...the Covenant Formula Travis J. Montgomery
"I Will Write It on Their Hearts:" The Decalogue in Jeremiah E. Coye Still IV
"In Christ" in Paul - Exploring the Land Promised Richard Shenk
"In Us" versus "In Y'all": Examining Newly Published P139 Matthew Solomon
"In You Our Ancestors Put Their Trust": Psalm 2...hrist" in Romans 1–4 Matthew Monkemeier
"Jesus Was Found Alone": Luke's Remnant Christo...arrative (Luke 9:28) Jeremy D. Otten
"Just as He Wills": The Volitional Activity in I Cor. 12:7-11 Eric Oldenburg
"Keeping the Fire Burning:" Carter Woodson and...hurch Historiography Adam Peterson
"Lent It Go": The Liturgical Calendar and Low-Church Tradition Matthew Westerholm
"Listen to Him!" Luther's Use of Matthew 17:5 and Divine Pedagogy William M. Marsh
"Make the bowels of the poore the coffers of ou...Response to Poverty John Douglas Morrison
"Mañana" The Future of Hispanic Theological Edu...US and Latin America Octavio Esqueda
"Messenger of the covenant" in Malachi 3:1: John or Jesus? E. Ray Clendenen
"Migration" and its Effect on Hispanic Theological Education Miguel Echevarria
"Mother Knows Best:" The Maternal Turn in Ameri...t Nurture, 1820-1860 David Setran
"Multiplication or Management": Theological Ten...the Creation Mandate Ryan Rindels
"No Better Than My Fathers": Intertextuality an...of Sin in 1 Kings 19 Benjamin Hilbelink
"No Other Name": A Biblical Theology of Preaching in Acts Jared Bumpers
"Nobles and Barons of the Court of Heaven": The...of Jonathan Edwards Dustin W. Benge
"Noli Me Tangere" - Why John Meier Won't Touch the Risen Lord William Lane Craig
"None should be compelled to worship God": Hercules Collins Steven Weaver
"Not the same God": Alexander Carson (1776-1844...nitarian Controversy Ian Hugh Clary
"Now, sir, who is ‘ignorant?'" Epistolary Frays...r and William Vidler Chris Chun
"Offspring like the Sands": Abraham's Offspring in the Book of Isaiah Benjamin M. Smith
"Out of the Devil's Reach": The Function of Hum...Theology of Renewal Coleman M. Ford
"Persons" Divine and Human: The Concept of Pers...ond Nicaea for Today J. Scott Horrell
"Poverty and Wealth in the Thought of Francis Wayland (1796–1865)" Dustin Bruce
"Provided We Suffer with Him": A Pauline Theolo...he Prosperity Gospel Michael E. Pohlman
"Punish them, Lord"/"Father, forgive them": Chr...ulation of the Canon Stephen Dempster
"Punish them, Lord"/"Father, forgive them": Chr...ulation of the Canon Eric Johnson
"Ransom for Many": Mark 10:45 as a Key to the S...spel (dual proposal) John J. R. Lee
"Ransom for Many": Mark 10:45 as a Key to the S...spel (dual proposal) Daniel Brueske
"Read This Law" (Deut 31:11): Early Torah Spirituality Dave Deuel
"Remedies for Afflicted Saints": Puritan Pastor...Biblical Counseling" Greg Salazar
"Savior of All People": Distinguishing Universa...he Pastoral Epistles Brian H. Tung
"Sharing Christ's Zeal for His House": John Jew...tation of Psalm 69:9 Andre A. Gazal
"Sharing in the Sufferings of Christ": A Plenar...ive in 1 Peter 4:13? Markus Klausli
"Signs and Wonders": Echoes of Deuteronomy in t...peeches of Acts 1-15 Donny R. Mathis-II
"Some Were Convinced": Luke, Subtlety, and the...xegetical Maximalism Mark S. Giacobbe
"Take Heed Against Covetousness: Richard a Love of Riches" Timothy K. Beougher
"Take Refuge in My Shade": Judges 9 in Light of...n Royal Tree Imagery Kenton F. Williams
"That You May Do Them": Legal Motive Clauses an...on in Ancient Israel James M. Todd III
"The Boundaries of Our Habitation": Why We Need Nations Richard J Mouw
"The Care of Divine Things": John Gill (1697–17...t Care of Government Ian Hugh Clary
"The Elegancy of the Holy Ghost": The Holy Spir...Puritan Plain Style Nathan Tarr
"The Heresie of This Evil Person and Grand Here...-century Christology Jonathan W. Arnold
"The Son of God Appeared to Prophets and Patria...ew of Christophanies Rex D. Butler
"The Spirit that Loveth Unanimity": Lancelot An...e of the Holy Spirit Andre A. Gazal
"They Make You Ill": An Evangelical Ressourceme...Christian Demonology John A. Adair
"They Only Asked us to Remember the Poor": the...e Rev. Dr. Don Davis Hank Voss
"To Toke or Not to Toke? Pot is the Question":...ational Cannabis Use Guenther Gene Haas
"To which of the angels did God ever say?": Fil...c Polemic in Heb 1–2 Shawn J. Wilhite
"Visibly Wicked Persons Ought Not to Be Tolerat...and Excommunication Glenn R. Kreider
"We" Language and Pauline Authorship Kevin L. Moore
"When they know only or chiefly its language, n...horn and Socinianism Baiyu Andrew Song
"You shall surely die." Reading Genesis 2:17 as...nd Blessing Formula. Pierre Gilbert