
Jeannine K. Brown

 Jeannine K. Brown

Jeannine K. Brown (Ph.D. Luther Seminary) is professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Her most recent book, Becoming Whole and Holy: An Integrative Conversation about Christian Formation (2011), is a co-authored volume that explores Christian formation from biblical studies, social science, and ethics.

Downloadable Sets

ETS 2019 - Christ in all Scripture (707 mp3s) 710 $500.00 $99.97

4 items found

""03 Plenary - Jesus Messiah as Isaiah's Servant of the Lord: New Testament Expl...  
Synoptic Gospels: Jesus, Skepticism and the Problem of History: A Book Discussion...  
What Can We Learn from Literary and Rhetorical Genre Theory?  
Hebrew and Greek Acquisition in a Technological Age