
"Cocoa and cloth": The Godly Use of "our lands, goods, and bodies" in the Thought of William Kiffen

"Cocoa and cloth": The Godly Use of "our lands, goods, and bodies" in the Thought of William Kiffen
Organization: ETS 2021
Price: FREE
Michael A. G. Haykin (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) presented at the 73rd annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society with the theme, Wealth and Poverty, held in Fort Worth, TX, November 16-18, 2021. This presentation was included in the section: Puritan Theology in Post-Reformation Context Wealth and Poverty.
Michael Haykin Michael A. G. Haykin is associated with The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and served as a speaker for the 2022 National meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society.