
ETS 2021 - Wealth and Poverty (600 mp3s)

Organization: ETS 2021
Price: $500.00 $149.97

Now Available! This set of recordings is from the Evangelical Theological Society's conference (Nov 15-19, 2021, Ft. Worth, TX), "Wealth and Poverty," This collection includes over 600 digitally recorded sessions. Several plenary addresses are featured:

(1) Michael Andres, Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies at Northwestern College, Orange City, Iowa, addressed “Poor Theology: A Christian Theology of Poverty and Wealth” (Tuesday)

(2) Anne Bradley, Vice President of Economic Initiatives, Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, Tysons, Virginia, addressed, “Complements not Substitutes: Biblical Human Flourishing and Economic Freedom” (Wednesday)

(3) Brian Fikkert, President of The Chalmers Center and Professor of Economics and Community Development at Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, Georgia, addressed “Getting Our Story Straight: Homo Economicus or Homo Imago Dei?” (Thursday)

(4) R. Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, addressed, "The Temptations of an Evangelical Theologian"

(5) Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung, Professor of Philosophy at Calvin University, addressed, "What Are You Guarding? Anger and Its Antidotes from the Christian Tradition"

View the  complete ETS program and schedule here.


Anne Bradley Dr. Anne Rathbone Bradley is the George and Sally Mayer Fellow for Economic Education and vice president of academic affairs at The Fund for American Studies. Dr. Bradley received her Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University in 2006, during which time she was a James M. Buchanan Scholar.
670 items found

Items Included

"" Plenary"" - Complements not Substitutes: Bib...and Economic Freedom Anne Bradley
""Plenary"" Poor Theology: A Christian Theology of Poverty and Wealth Michael Andres
""Plenary"" The Temptations of an Evangelical Theologian Albert Mohler
""Plenary"" What Are You Guarding? Anger and It...Christian Tradition Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
"Bondage or Blessing? Resolving the tension in...n wealth in 1 Tim 6" Greg A. Couser
"Cocoa and cloth": The Godly Use of "our lands, of William Kiffen Michael Haykin
"Common Possession" (RB 33:6, cf. Acts 4:32): P...Rule of St. Benedict John Bayer
"Continual Prosperity Belongs to God Alone": At...and Divine Beatitude Tyler R. Wittman
"Grace in Place of Grace": Perfections of Grace in Old and New Covenants Paul Lamicela
"He Who Is and the Angel of Him Who Is": of Christophanies Rex D. Butler
"How Shall We Sing the Prosperity Gospel's Song...Evangelical Church?" Matthew Westerholm
"I Will Be His God, and He Will Be My Son": The...the Covenant Formula Travis J. Montgomery
"In Us" versus "In Y'all": Examining Newly Published P139 Matthew Solomon
"Keeping the Fire Burning:" Carter Woodson and...hurch Historiography Adam Peterson
"Listen to Him!" Luther's Use of Matthew 17:5 and Divine Pedagogy William M. Marsh
"Make the bowels of the poore the coffers of ou...Response to Poverty John Douglas Morrison
"Multiplication or Management": Theological Ten...the Creation Mandate Ryan Rindels
"No Better Than My Fathers": Intertextuality an...of Sin in 1 Kings 19 Benjamin Hilbelink
"None should be compelled to worship God": Hercules Collins Steven Weaver
"Out of the Devil's Reach": The Function of Hum...Theology of Renewal Coleman M. Ford
"Poverty and Wealth in the Thought of Francis Wayland (1796–1865)" Dustin Bruce
"Provided We Suffer with Him": A Pauline Theolo...he Prosperity Gospel Michael E. Pohlman
"Ransom for Many": Mark 10:45 as a Key to the S...spel (dual proposal) John J. R. Lee
"Ransom for Many": Mark 10:45 as a Key to the S...spel (dual proposal) Daniel Brueske
"Some Were Convinced": Luke, Subtlety, and the...xegetical Maximalism Mark S. Giacobbe
"Take Heed Against Covetousness: Richard a Love of Riches" Timothy K. Beougher
"Take Refuge in My Shade": Judges 9 in Light of...n Royal Tree Imagery Kenton F. Williams
"The Care of Divine Things": John Gill (1697–17...t Care of Government Ian Hugh Clary
"They Make You Ill": An Evangelical Ressourceme...Christian Demonology John A. Adair
"They Only Asked us to Remember the Poor": the...e Rev. Dr. Don Davis Hank Voss
"You Will Never Finish the Towns: Matthew 10:23...on of Man's Return." Thorvald Madsen
(A)theological Imaginaries and the Development...mparative Case Study Michael Borowski
‘By Way of Relationship': Toward a Theology of Divine Personhood Michael Allen
‘If We Sit Down Quietly': The Younger Edwards's...American Revolution John S. Banks
‘Render Unto Caesar': Economy and Taxes in First-Century AD Palestine Jonathan A. Campbell
‘Treasure in jars of clay': Anglican ministry i...f Anglican metaphor. Maurice Elliott
2 Samuel 7 at an Intersection of the Old Testament Use of Old Testament Gary Schnittjer
A Biblical Assessment William Lane Craig's In Q...the Historical Adam C. John Collins
A Comparison of the Wilderness Complaint Storie...s of Numbers 20:1-13 Anna Rask
A Credible Witness: A Pluriform Church in a Pluralist Culture Daniel (Danny) Slavich
A Critical Re-Assessment of the Motives and Met...of the Clapham Sect. Michael D. McMullen
A Detailed Comparison of the Textual Apparatuse...and Nestle-Aland 28 Nelson S. Hsieh
A Dialogue between the Theology of Ark and Luth...s & Deus Absconditus Suk-il Ahn
A Gendered Reading of the Eunuch in Acts 8 Patrick Schreiner
A Heard Cry Is an Answered Cry: James's Appropr...Lament in James 5:4 Grant Flynn
A Lutheran Perspective on the Filioque Aaron Moldenhauer
A Model Fundamentalist: Jonathan Goforth and Re...n China, 1908 – 1932 Matthew Winslow
A Molinist Response to Schellenberg's Hiddenness Argument Jacobus Erasmus
A Molinist Response to Schellenberg's Hiddenness Argument Timothy A. Stratton
A Molinist Solution to the Problem of the Unevangelized Kurt Jaros
A Mosaic Approach to Creation in Genesis 1: Cre...the Origins Impasse Kenneth Turner
A New Argument Against ‘Ought' Implies ‘Can' P. Roger Turner
A New Taxonomy of Framing Classifications for the NT Use of the OT Douglas S. Huffman
A Novel(s) Spiritual Discipline: A Role for the Life of Faith Christopher Evan Franklin
A Phenomenological Assessment of Craig's Nominalism R. Scott Smith
A Philosophical Assessment William Lane Craig's...the Historical Adam Michael Murray
A Presentist Theory of Truthmakers Julia Stubbs
A Proposed Revision to Weaver's ‘Logical Objections to Atheism' Drew Smith
A Re-Examination of Late Bronze Pottery at Tel Shiloh Jordan McClinton
A Reformation Tercentenary in 1858: Celebrating...zabeth I's Accession Crawford Stevener
A Rhetorical Critique and Proposal for 1 Corinthians 14:34-36 Marjorie J. Cooper
A Scientific Assessment of William Lane Craig's...the Historical Adam Leslea Hlusko
A Social Theology: E.Y. Mullins on Poverty and the Social Gospel Joseph D. Garner III
A Spectrum of Impassibility and Passibility in Christian Theology Chris Gibson
A Statistical Text Type Study of the Biblical Paleo-Hebrew Qumran Scrolls Phillip Ort
A Stilled Storm and the End of Exile: The Inter...'s Rebuke of the Sea Trevor Laurence
A Sub-Trinitarian Covenant?: The Covenant Of Re...nd Divine Simplicity Jacob Rainwater
A Surprising Union: Peculiar Agreements and Claromontanus Chris Stevens
A Theological Assessment William Lane Craig's I...the Historical Adam Hans Madueme
A Theology of Practice for Business AS/FOR Miss...ommunity Development Page Brooks
A Unifying Framework for the Metaphorical "I am" Sayings of Jesus in John Richard K. Min
A Woman's Social Status: Wealth and Poverty in...; 3:9,11; and 4:5-10 Archie England
A World Gone Wrong: Structural Violence in Psalms 9-14 David Firth
Abundance and Scarcity in the Presentation of E...he Canonical Context Jônatas de Mattos Leal
Abundant Poverty: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Paul Dybdahl
Abuse or Disabuse? Nakedness, Deprivation, and Poverty in the Prophets Ryan C. Hanley
Accruing and Enjoying Wealth as Divine Gift: Th...tive of Ecclesiastes Richard Schultz
Accruing and Enjoying Wealth as Divine Gift: Th...tive of Ecclesiastes Bradley Cameron
Action Apologetics: Charity and Social Justice...of Doing Apologetics Timothy Yoder
Actuality in Ecclesiology: Vilmar's Confessiona...Symbolical Challenge Jonathan Mumme
Adam's Moral Response to Human Freedom: An Augu...symmetrical Proposal Yaser Makram
Additional Helpful Apologetical Insights on Old Testament Violence Paul Copan
Ahimelech or Abiathar? A case for Inerrancy in...6 and 1 Samuel 21-22 Jonathan Ahlgren
All Are Under Sin: Scripture and the Enslavemen...manity in Romans 1-3 John Goodrich
All You Need is Love: The Old Testament Backgro...mmandment of the Law Joshua M. Philpot
Allies for Liberty?: Roger Williams, John Locke...nt &Radical Whiggism Cory D. HIgdon
Almsgiving, the Poor, and Economic Justice in Jewish Literature R. Adam Dodd
An Abductive Argument for God From Music Gavin Ortlund
An Anglican Perspective on the Filioque Controversy William G. Witt
An Overlooked Aspect of Judah's Speech (Gen 44:18-34) Paul Twiss
Ancient Near Eastern Context and Theological Interpretation of Scripture Cory Barnes
Andrew Fuller and his Scottish Friends Michael Haykin
Animals in the Torah: Are They among the "Poor"? A. Rahel Wells
Anti-Essentialism and Conciliar Christology James Timothy Turner
Applying Social Scientific Theory (Riot Theory)...tyrs of Lyons in 177 Paul Hartog
Appropriation and the Knowledge of Triune Persons Adonis Vidu
Archaeology and Jesus Craig Evans
Archaeology and the Exodus Ralph K. Hawkins
Are Divine Actions Subject to Luck? Andre Leo Rusavuk
Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: How Bru...ilure of Materialism Julie Miller