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ETS 2014 Parallel Session B
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Product Group Results
ETS 2013 - Evangelicalism, Inerrancy, and ETS (570 mp3s)
DA Carson
1371 items found
Item Results
1 Corinthians 6:9 and the Anthropology of SameSex Sexua...
Robert J. Priest
2 Peter and Judes Use of the OT and the Question of Dep...
Herb Bateman
25 Years of Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism...
D. H. Williams
A Baptismal Way of Thinking: Retrieving Irenaeus on Baptism...
Christine E. Thornton
A BiblicalTheological Case for Systemic Sin
Kenneth J Reid
A BiblicalTheological Exploration into the Meaning of Johns...
Colin Smothers
A Bonaventurean Account of Psychological WellBeing
R. Lucas Stamps
A Bond Between Souls: The Relationship Between Friendship...
Coleman M. Ford
A Bumpy Road: Lessons Learned from Integrating Modern Language...
Leo Percer
A Case Study of ProLife Education and a Practical Model...
Spencer Stewart
A Centurion in Caesarea: Support for the Historicity of...
Mark E. Foster
A Conscience Rightly Informed: John Cotton and the Theology...
Cory Higdon
A Creation Essentialist Framework for GodHonoring Gender...
A Denominationally Unifying Hymnbook: Three Baptist Hymnbooks...
Kimberly D. Arnold
A Formal Constraint to Divine Commands
Joshua Kira
A Greater Illness: Sickness Sin and Metaphor in Gregory...
J. Caleb Little
A Gregorian Bestiary: Human Nature as Fallen and Redeemed...
Kevin L. Hester
A Heart Conformed to God: Holiness and Jonatha Edwardss...
Christian Cuthbert
A Hebrew Inscription from Joshuas Conquest of Lachish
Doug Petrovich
A History of Violence: The Israelite Conquest and the Justice...
Joshua M. Philpot
A Holy Army: The Armor of God as a Unifying Call to Corporate...
Michael Steinmetz
A Holy Plea: The Use of Good and Evil in Deuteronomy 30:1520...
Daniel S. Diffey
A Home for the Wandering Aramean in Germany incomplete...
Elke B. Speliopoulos
A Kingdom of God Hermeneutic? Prospects and Cautions
Andrew T. Abernethy
A Literary Approach to the Theology of John Wesley: Key...
Kenneth J. Collins
A Matter of Black and White? Early Modern Reformed Biblical...
Adriaan Neele
A Minority Report on Fulfilling All Righteousness
Patrick Schreiner
A Molinist Way Forward to Acceptance of the Consequence...
Randy Everist
A Monogenes Reading: John 1:18 and the Tyndale House Greek...
Doug Burleson
A Natural Language Approach to Koine Greek Exegesis
Stanley E. Porter
A New Definition of Holiness?: Placing Peter Gentry and...
Sean Matthew Wegener
A New Definition of Holiness?: Placing Peter Gentry and...
Sean Matthew Wegener
A New Knowledge Argument: NonPropositional Knowledge Human...
Lanell M. Mason
A Plain Account of Christian Perfection John Wesley
Matt Friedeman
A Public Reading of Tolkiens Jonah with commentary by Philip...
Philip Ryken
A Puritan Critique of Contemporary Christian Nationalist...
John S. Simons
A Reception History of the Role of Women in 1 Peter 3:1...
Rebecca Skaggs
A Relational Argument for Human Sexuality
Lilly H. Park
A Response to Transgenderism and Nonbinary Identity The...
Richard Killingsworth
A Risen Savior a Regenerate Community and a Redeeming Mission:...
Taylor Lassiter
A Royal Pain: The Use of Lament and Royal Psalms in the...
Heather Joy Zimmerman
A Satire on the Chores and a Repudiation of Retributive...
Jordan Jones
A Simplified Version of Biblical Hebrew Verb Paradigms:...
Melak A. Tsegaw
A Small Alien Group without American Presbyterian Backg...
Ken Stewart
A Theological Anthropology in Parts: Reflecting and Refracting...
Jacob Shatzer
A Time for Weeping: The Role of Tense in Hebrew Psalms of...
Heather Joy Zimmerman
A TransAntlantic Discussion Regarding Theological Anthropology...
John S. Banks
A Trichotomy of Existence: Soren Kierkegaards Theological...
Michael Steinmetz
A Young Earth and Recent Adam and Eve
Marcus Ross
Abortion Prevention and Traditional Sexual Ethics: Just...
Maria Russell Kenney
Abram Sarai and Artificial Hagar Wombs: Human Reproduction...
Greg Parker Jr.
Absolute Personality and the Divine Nature
Cameron Clausing
Acceptable in the Sight of the One Who Made Us: The Restoration...
Alex Moore
Adam Lloyd Johnson Divine Love Theory How the Trinity is...
Adaptive Preaching: The Contextualized Preaching of Jonathan...
Mike Harder
Adoring the Fullness of the Scriptures: John Owens Commentary...
Lee Gatiss
Adriani Milli Rodrigues Priestly Christology and Holiness...
Advanced Technology and the Human Person: Rereading Jacques...
John Wind
Advanced Technology and the Human Person: Rereading Jacques...
John Wind
Advances and Limitations in Recent Studies of Pauline Divine...
Aelfrics Virgin Spouses Same Sex Celibate Partnerships:...
Rachel Gilson
Africas Singletiered Ontological Structure of Reality: Returning...
AI and the End of Arguments from Reason to God
Brandon L. Rickabaugh
Aida Besancon Spencer Jesus Vision of Holy Hospitality
Alden C. McCray The Beatific Vision Avertive Religion and...
Allegiance to David: The Characterization of Jonathan Abigail...
Jonathan Ahlgren
Alternate Textual Traditions in the Dialogue with Trypho...
Joshua T. Hebert
Alvin Plantingas Epistemology and the Anthropology of the...
Ericka Flores Sandstrom
Amber M. Dillon Bearing Witness to the Lamb The Baptist...
Ambiguity and Poetry: Psalm 62 as Witness
Ethan C. Jones
American Monotheistic Polytheism: A Retrieval of George...
Aaron Ducksworth
Amos Yabo Luka Boko Harams Religious Ideology A Critical...
Amy Peeler My soul Doth Magnify the Lord Humble Confidence...
An Assessment of the Coherence and Theological Adequacy...
Andrew Loke
An Evangelical Legacy in the Revival of Dutch NeoCalvinism...
CheolDong Park
An Evangelical Triangle: The Keswick Holiness Movement Pentecostalism...
Rex D. Butler
An Evangelistic Reading of LukeActs
Mark J. Keown
An Immortal Body: How the Garden of Eden Informs our Understanding...
Thomas Toews
An Infinite Variety of Beauties: Anne Duttons Colorful Reflections...
Matthew Haste
An Intercultural Reading of Sacrifice in 1 John 2:2 and...
Elizabeth Mburu
An Investigation into the Place and Nature of Sexual Offenses...
David Young
An Unforgiving God: Retributiveism as a Divine Perfecti...
Gregory L. Bock
An Unstained Tongue: Pride and Boasting in James 1:27
James Cater
Anachronistic Imposition or Heuristic Tool?: the Temptations...
David E. Bosworth
Anchored Narratives: A Hybrid Apologetic Approach
Matt Sokolowski
Ancient Gnosticism in New Garb?: Gnostic Anthropology Transgenderism...
Meagan Stedman
Andrew C. Russell Keswicks Practical Practices Outward...
Andrew Hollingsworth Divine Temporalism and the Doctrine...
Andy Naselli How do Predestination and Progressive Sanctification...
Andy Naselli Keswick Theology Where It Came From and What...
Ann Duttons Spirited Opposition to John Wesley 173943
Ian J Maddock
Anselms Anthropology: Connecting the Image of God to the...
Christy Gonet
Anthropolity: Augustinians and Calvinists Together in Political...
David W. Hall
Anthropological Apologetics in Tertullians Treatises on...
Gary D. Cook
Anthropological Heresy in Luke 23:4243: a Discourse and...
Laurentiu Florentin Mot
Anthropology of the Dead Who Wait at Judgment in Hebrews...
Apocalypse in the Arena: Revelation 1314 and Spectacle Culture...
David R. McCabe
Apples and Oranges: Textual Criticism Realities in the Bible...
Matthew Bennett
Applied Linguistics and Biblical Languages: IntermediateAdvanced...
Panel Discussion
Apprehending Gods Redemptive Good: Reading Genesis 50:1521...
Paul Twiss
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