
Classical Education Subscription (over 850 mp3s)

Classical Education Subscription (over 850 mp3s)
Price: $15.00/month

Over 850 talks from excellent educational conferences! The Classical Education Subscription includes all of the content from The Association of Classical and Christian Schools, Veritas Teacher Training and more . . .

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862 items found

Items Included

Excellence In Writing 1 Andrew Pudewa
Grammar Linguistics Andrew Pudewa
Intro to Progymnasmata Jim Selby
Introduction to Classical and Christian Education (Veritas 2004) Marlin Detweiler
The Importance of Music Education Douglas Wilson
Vision for Excellence in Grammar Program Practical Implications Laura Tucker
- Christian Culture Ken Myers
01 Athens and Jerusalem Revisited Leland Ryken
01 Douglas Wilson Value of Classical Education Douglas Wilson
01 Sustaining a Fine Arts Education in a Consumer Society Ken Myers
01 Voddie Baucham - The Family - The Educator of Children Voddie Baucham
02 Classical Education 101 Marlin Detweiler
02 Douglas Wilson What is Classical Christian Education Douglas Wilson
02 Douglas Wilson What is Classical Christian Education Douglas Wilson
02 Douglas Wilson What is Classical Christian Education Douglas Wilson
02 Julie Etter - Memory Period in the Classroom and at Home Julie Etter
02 Panel What Do We Want in Christian Education Today_ Ken Myers
03 ACCS Panel Protecting Truth Goodness Beauty
03 ACCS Panel Protecting Truth Goodness Beauty
03 Bruce Etter - Techniques for Teaching Dialectic and Rhetoric Students Bruce Etter
03 Laurie Detweiler Creative Teaching Laurie Detweiler
03 Memory Period.aif 1 Kathy Arrick
03 The State of the Arts in Christian Education Gene Veith
04 A Philosophical Foundation for Music Appreciation Greg Wilbur
04 Marlin Detweiler - Classical Christian Education 101 Marlin Detweiler
04 Nancy Boice Where is Truth Goodness and Beauty in Logic Nancy Boice
04 Nancy Boice Where is Truth Goodness and Beauty in Logic Nancy Boice
04 Phil Arant Evolving Science Program Phil Arant
05 Chris Perrin - Teaching Latin - Effective Ways at Home and School Christopher Perrin
05 Denise Hollidge - Truth Goodness Beauty in Grammar School Methods Denise Hollidge
05 Denise Hollidge - Truth Goodness Beauty in Grammar School Methods Denise Hollidge
05 From Hedgehogs to Giraffes_ Teaching Appreciation for the Visual Arts Karen Mulder
05 John Hodges Music as a Liberal Art John Hodges
05 Teaching Omnibus Effectively 1 Ty Fischer
06 Beauty in Music_ Inspiration and Excellence John Hodges
06 Imagination as a Means of Grace Leland Ryken
06 Marie Owens - Principles of Teaching Science Marie Owens
06 Melissa Martin - Larger Than Life Literature Grammar School Melissa Martin
06 Melissa Martin - Larger Than Life Literature Grammar School Melissa Martin
07 Chris Schlect - Who are We - Settled and Uns...Classical Education Christopher Schlect
07 Chris Schlect - Who are We - Settled and Uns...Classical Education Christopher Schlect
07 Jerusalem Athens and the Education of Young Artists Ted Prescott
07 L. Denise Hollidge Chanting and Singing Denise Hollidge
07 L. Denise Hollidge Chanting and Singing Denise Hollidge
07 Marlin Detweiler Pros and Cons of Schools Homes Schools and Coops Marlin Detweiler
07 Teaching Biology Robyn Burlew
08 Deb Chapin - All Grammar Age Children Can Love Math Deborah Chapin
08 Grammar Stage Latin Molly Carey
08 Sing with Understanding Play Skillfully Musi...y for all the Saints David Erb
09 Bill Dawson Teaching Logic (part 1) Bill Dawson
09 Charlene Workman - Shurley Grammar Fun and Much More Charlene Workman
09 Charlene Workman - Shurley Grammar Fun and Much More Charlene Workman
09 Creating Great Projects Emily Fischer
09 Marlin Detweiler Rhetoric Formidable Discipline Marlin Detweiler
09 Redeeming the Senses_ The Aesthetics of Classical Education Steve Turley
10 Julie Etter Homeschool Journey The Aroma of Your Home Julie Etter
10 Linda Janikowsky - Math Gods Invention Mans Discovery Linda Janikowsky
10 Linda Janikowsky - Math Gods Invention Mans Discovery Linda Janikowsky
10 Ted Prescott Karen Mulder Arts Panel part 1 Charting a Path Forward Ted Prescott
10 Ted Prescott Karen Mulder Arts Panel part 2 Charting a Path Forward Ned Bustard
11 Atwood Trends with Graduates Roy Atwood
11 Atwood Trends with Graduates Roy Atwood
11 Day in the Life of a Homeschooler Lora Thompson
11 George Grant To the Uttermost Global Vision George Grant
11 Ken Myers Gene Veith Music Panel part 2 Charting a Path Forward Ken Myers
11 Ken Myers Gene Veith Music Panel part 1 Charting a Path Forward Gene Veith
11 Laurie Detweiler The Disracted Child Marlin Detweiler
12 A Defense of Fantasy Literature Leland Ryken
12 Charles Dowers Science Education Discussion Charles Dowers
12 Charles Dowers Science Education Discussion Charles Dowers
12 Dale Siegenthaler Correcting Missing Math Algebra and Above Dale Siegenthaler
12 Final Panel Ken Myers Gene Veith John Hodges Concluding Thoughts Ken Myers
12 George Grant - Developing a Vision for Truth George Grant
13 Marlin Detweiler Greasing the Skids Marlin Detweiler
13 Matt Whitling Innocent Envy Matt Whitling
13 Matt Whitling Innocent Envy Matt Whitling
13 Myers Wilson Whitling Grant Panel - Truth Go...y and Modern Culture Ken Myers
13 Myers Wilson Whitling Grant Panel - Truth Go...y and Modern Culture Ken Myers
13 Upper Grammar Math Kathy Arrick
14 Deb Chapin Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Why They Matter Deborah Chapin
14 Dory Zinkland Beyond Phonics Dory Zinkland
14 Dory Zinkland Beyond Phonics Dory Zinkland
14 Tips and Tricks 9 Units Andrew Pudewa
14 Tom Garfield - The Trivium Defined and Applied Tom Garfield
14 Tom Garfield - The Trivium Defined and Applied Tom Garfield
15 Bill Dawson Teaching Logic (part 2) Bill Dawson
15 Helen Martin Sir Issac Newton Helen Martin
15 Teaching Boys Andrew Pudewa
15 Ty Willis First Love Maturing Your School Ty Willis
15 Ty Willis First Love Maturing Your School Ty Willis
16 Geoffrey Sahs - Discussion Based Teaching Geoffrey Sahs
16 Geoffrey Sahs - Discussion Based Teaching Geoffrey Sahs
16 Karen Moore Latin in Dialtectic School Karen Moore
16 Karen Moore Latin in Dialtectic School Karen Moore
16 Purpose Driven Classroom Deborah Chapin
16 Voddie Baucham The Importance of Dad in Education Voddie Baucham
17 Voddie Baucham Family Driven Faith Voddie Baucham
17 Laura Tucker - Work of Beauty in Grammar School Curriculum Laura Tucker
17 Laura Tucker - Work of Beauty in Grammar School Curriculum Laura Tucker
17 Logic Bill Dawson