
03 ACCS Panel Protecting Truth Goodness Beauty

03 ACCS Panel Protecting Truth Goodness Beauty
Part 3 of a 48 part series.
Organization: ACCS
Price: $4.00
Conference information: Association of Classical and Christian Schools 2008 Conference "Recovering Truth, Goodness, and Beauty" - Contains all 48 recorded sessions recorded in Austin, TX (June 26-28, 2008), featuring plenary sessions with Ken Myers (Mars Hill Audio), George Grant, Douglas Wilson, and Matt Whitling.

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12 George Grant - Developing a Vision for TruthGeorge Grant
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18 George Grant - Theology of Wonder - Integrating the HumanitiesGeorge Grant
19 Matt Whitling - Boys and Classical EducationMatt Whitling
30 Douglas Wilson - Defending Sayers InsightDouglas Wilson
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