
Biblical Horizons Complete Conference Collection (411 mp3s)

Organization: Biblical Horizons
Price: $300.00

Over 400 talks of the greatest biblical theological insights on the planet! Including the last (final) 2017 Biblical Horizons Conference and two regional conferences featuring the insights of James B Jordan. The amazing insights of the Biblical Horizons speakers are now available in this one set! This Complete BH Conference Collection covering 26 years (2011 conference was not recorded). The most frequent speakers are James B. Jordan, Peter J. Leithart, Jeffrey J. Meyers, and Rich Bledsoe. Others speakers include Gary Demar, Ralph Smith, Bill DeJong, Burke Shade, Blake Purcell, Mickey Schneider, Bill Smith, Uri Brito, and more. Note: the best way to use this is (after purchase) to browse to each conference and then access the mp3s in order of the conference or download the files as a a zip file which organizes them according to the year.

The Conferences:

Biblical Horizons 1991 Conference - Calvinism, Arminianism...

Biblical Horizons 1992 Conference - Worship and Sacrifice

Biblical Horizons 1993 Conference - Temple and Priesthood

Biblical Horizons 1994 Conference - Daniel and Zechariah

Biblical Horizons 1995 Conference - Prophecy and Society

Biblical Horizons 1996 Conference - Doorways and Passages

Biblical Horizons 1997 Conference - Mark, Hebrews, and Scapegoating

Biblical Horizons 1998 Conference - The Psalter

Biblical Horizons 1999 Conference - Preterist Eschatology

Biblical Horizons 2000 Conference - Genesis

Biblical Horizons 2001 Conference - The Levites and Music

Biblical Horizons 2002 Conference - The Inspection of Jealousy

Biblical Horizons 2003 Conference - Modernism and Postmodernity

Biblical Horizons 2004 Conference - The Mission of God in History

Biblical Horizons 2005 Conference - Ecclesiastes and Wisdom Literature

Biblical Horizons 2005 Mini-Conference - Knowing Scripture

Biblical Horizons 2006 Conference - Beginnings of the Apostolic Age

Biblical Horizons 2007 Conference - Outside the Box

Biblical Horizons 2008 Conference - Rosenstock-Huessy, Colossians, Church Music

Biblical Horizons 2009 Conference - Leviticus

Biblical Horizons 2010 Conference - Wine, Women and Song

Biblical Horizons 2012 Conference - Back to Basics

Biblical Horizons 2013 Conference - Jeremiah and Isaiah

Biblical Horizons 2014 Conference - Sacrifice and Clothing

Biblical Horizons 2015 Conference - Joshua and Revelation

Biblical Horizons 2015 Lancaster Conference - Discovering Biblical Theology

Biblical Horizons 2016 Conference - Death and Sexual Revolution

Biblical Horizons 2017 Conference - Chronicles and the Vision Cast in Revelation


James B. Jordan James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force,... read more
411 items found

Items Included

01 The Memorial Sacrifice James B. Jordan
Death and Mission Richard Bledsoe
01 Seeking Yahweh - 1 Chronicles 10-17 Peter J. Leithart
01 - The Restoration Era James B. Jordan
01 - The Tribute - Lev 2 James B. Jordan
01 - Wisdom and Rule I James B. Jordan
01 Battle of Mountain of Assembly 1 James B. Jordan
01 Ezekiel 40-48 Lecture 1 James B. Jordan
01 Good Death and Transfiguration James B. Jordan
01 How to Chant the Psalms James B. Jordan
01 Introduction to Chronicles James B. Jordan
01 Jordan 01 Wine Women Song James B. Jordan
01 Jordan Basics of Biblical Worldview 01 James B. Jordan
01 Jordan Jeremiah Part 1 James B. Jordan
01 Nazirites and Knights (01) James B. Jordan
01 Rivals to Biblical Theology James B. Jordan
01 Sacrifice and Clothing James B. Jordan
01 The Book of Joshua 01 - An Introduction James B. Jordan
01 The Firmament I James B. Jordan
01 The Structure of the Psalter 1 James B. Jordan
01 The Trinity and Creation JJM Jeffrey J. Meyers
01 What is History Part 1 James B. Jordan
01 What is Peterism Part 1 James B. Jordan
01The Hermeneutics of Ritual PJL Peter J. Leithart
02 - Overview of Daniel 1-6 I James B. Jordan
02 - Overview of Daniel 1-6 I James B. Jordan
02 - The Inspection Rite - Num 5 James B. Jordan
02 - Wisdom and Rule II James B. Jordan
02 1 Timothy (01) Bill DeJong
02 Battle of Mountain of Assembly 2 James B. Jordan
02 Dealing with Suffering (morning Mens Study) James B. Jordan
02 Ezekiel 40-48 Lecture 2 James B. Jordan
02 Genesis the Ten Words 1 James B. Jordan
02 Jordan Jeremiah Part 2 James B. Jordan
02 Jordan Vespers teaching James B. Jordan
02 Leithart 01 Song of Solomon Peter J. Leithart
02 Meyers - Colossians Jeffrey J. Meyers
02 Music in Chronicles James B. Jordan
02 Parables of Jesus (part 1) Jeffrey J. Meyers
02 Stewards of the Lords House PJL Peter J. Leithart
02 The Church and the Cast Vision in Revelation 21-22 part 1 Bill Smith
02 The Gospel of the Near Kingdom 1 John Barach
02 The New Demonic RB James B. Jordan
02 The Structure of the Psalter 2 James B. Jordan
02 Wealth in Luke and Acts Jeffrey J. Meyers
02 What is History Part 2 James B. Jordan
02 What is Peterism Part 2 James B. Jordan
03 - Examples of Jealousy Inspections James B. Jordan
03 - Overview of Daniel 1-6 II James B. Jordan
03 - Wisdom and Death I James B. Jordan
03 Death and Sacrifice James B. Jordan
03 DeJong 01 Desire Bill DeJong
03 Ezekiel 40-48 Lecture 3 James B. Jordan
03 Genesis the Ten Words 2 James B. Jordan
03 Hair and Glory Burke Shade
03 Holiness, Glory and Stones of Light in Revelation 21:9-27 (part 2) Bill Smith
03 Leithart - Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy part 1 Peter J. Leithart
03 Leithart Gratitude and Thanksgiving 01 Peter J. Leithart
03 Leithart Isaiah 49-54 Part 1 Peter J. Leithart
03 Revelation 01 - End of the End-Orientation to Revelation Peter J. Leithart
03 Sacrifice Purity Priesthood and Temple part 1 Peter J. Leithart
03 The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation James B. Jordan
03 The Comings of Jesus AMS Michael Schneider
03 The Firmament II James B. Jordan
03 The Historical Context of the Psalter 1 James B. Jordan
03 The Levites at Sinai James B. Jordan
03 Theology of Gospel of Mark 1 JJM Jeffrey J. Meyers
03 Tyre in the Bible James B. Jordan
04 - Monsters from the Id James B. Jordan
04 - Wisdom and Death II James B. Jordan
04 1 Timothy (02) Bill DeJong
04 Bledsoe - Harlotry in the Bible Richard Bledsoe
04 Death and the Sacred Peter J. Leithart
04 Eschatology of Johns Gospel 1 PJL Peter J. Leithart
04 Ezekiel 40-48 Lecture 4 James B. Jordan
04 Jordan Vespers teaching James B. Jordan
04 Leithart 02 Song of Solomon Peter J. Leithart
04 Meyers Hiddenness of God Part 1 Jeffrey J. Meyers
04 Mission Min in Russia Blake Purcell
04 Pre-Modern Modern Post-Modern 2 JG Joel Garver
04 Sacrifice and Clothing part 2 James B. Jordan
04 Scriptures Foundational Patterns 2 Types and Shadows James B. Jordan
04 The Ascension Offering Part 1 PJL Peter J. Leithart
04 The Book of Joshua 02 - Joshua Robust James B. Jordan
04 The Eschatology of the Gospels AMS Michael Schneider
04 The Historical Context of the Psalter 2 James B. Jordan
04 The Levites in Chronicles James B. Jordan
04 The Structure of Exodus PJL Peter J. Leithart
04 The Walled, Garden City in Revelation 21-22 (part 3) Bill Smith
04 Theology of Gospel of Mark 2 JJM Jeffrey J. Meyers
05 - Daniel 8 & 9 - A Preterist View James B. Jordan
05 - The Structure of Malachi James B. Jordan
05 - Wisdom Literature James B. Jordan
05 1 Timothy (03) Bill DeJong
05 Bledsoe Varieties of Ministry Part 1 Richard Bledsoe
05 Duties of the Priests I PJL Peter J. Leithart
05 Eschatology of Johns Gospel 2 PJL Peter J. Leithart
05 Ezekiel 40-48 Lecture 5 James B. Jordan
05 Jordan at the Life-Size Tabernacle James B. Jordan
05 Jordan Basics of Biblical Worldview 02 James B. Jordan