
Lindsay K. Cleveland - The Incompatibility of Platonism regarding God's Attributes with Divine Ultimacy and Divine Aseity & A Sketch of a Thomistic Alternative to Platonism regarding Properties

Lindsay K. Cleveland - The Incompatibility of Platonism regarding God's Attributes with Divine Ultimacy and Divine Aseity & A Sketch of a Thomistic Alternative to Platonism regarding Properties
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00

A recording from the ETS 2016 national meeting from the section, Evangelical Philosophical Society E2. About this conference - The 68th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society with the theme - The Trinity - November 15-17, 2016, in San Antonio, TX.

Lindsay K. Cleveland (Baylor University) served as a Presenter at the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting in San Antonio, TX (2016), in the section addressing Evangelical Philosophical Society E2. The theme of the 2016 ETS conference was the Trinity.

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