
Finding First Principles: Jesus Ethics and Natural Law

Part 1 of a 4 part series.
Topic: Anabaptism
Organization: Davenant
Price: $4.00

This talk is from the Davenant Trust's Regional Convivium (1/7-8, 2016), held at West Toronto Baptist Church. This collection of talks includes: Dr. Craig Carter, "Why Yoder Was Wrong”
Dr. Brad Littlejohn, "Why Hooker Was Right: Trumpism, Radicalism, and the Need for Discrimation"
Andrew Fulford, "Finding First Principles: Jesus, Ethics, and Natural Law"
Dr. Michael J. Plato, "Why Posthumanism is Right and Wrong”

Andrew Fulford Andrew Fulford (McGill University) received his MA in Theology from the University of St. Michael’s College in the University of Toronto, where his research focused on contemporary theological approaches to the interpretation of the Bible. His current research interests are in the relationship between the Anglican theologian Richard Hooker and several... read more

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