
Pinpointing the Archaeological Period of the Tower of Babel and ReLocating the Site of Its Construction

Pinpointing the Archaeological Period of the Tower of Babel and ReLocating the Site of Its Construction
Part 19 of a 353 part series.
Topic: ETS
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00
A talk from the 2011 National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society on the theme, “No Other Name.” The conference featured plenary speakers: Darrell Bock, Tim Tennant, and Kelly Kapic.
Douglas Petrovich Douglas Petrovich is the author of The World’s Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew as the Language of the Proto-Consonantal Script , and his publications can be found on his webpage . Dr. Petrovich’s research interests include biblical history and exegesis, Egyptology, and Ancient Near Eastern history (including archaeology, epigraphy, chronology,... read more

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