A Search for Historical Evidence of Josephs Impact on Egypt
of a
part series.
ETS National
Selected talks from the 2009 National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, held in New Orleans. Personal and Social Ethics—the theme of this year’s conference addresses a climate of relativism and pluralism that characterizes the present generation. Plenary speakers are: E. DAVID COOK, Wheaton College on “Individual and Community: Lessons from Bioethics,” SAMUEL KUNHIYOP South African Theological Seminary on “Towards Communal Christian Ethics: An African Perspective,” JOHN F. KILNER, Trinity International University on “Biblically-Based Ethics: What’s Missing,” SCOTT B. RAE, Talbot School of Theology on “On the Intersection of Faith, Economics, and Social Ethics.”
Douglas Petrovich is the author of The World’s Oldest Alphabet: Hebrew as the Language of the Proto-Consonantal Script , and his publications can be found on his academia.edu webpage . Dr. Petrovich’s research interests include biblical history and exegesis, Egyptology, and Ancient Near Eastern history (including archaeology, epigraphy, chronology,... read more
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