
Is Christ the Fulfillment of National Israels Prophesies? Yes and No

Part 284 of a 336 part series.
Topic: Justification
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00
A talk from the ETS 2010 National Conference on Justification . . . Listen to NT Wright who made copious intelligent points relating to his thesis which stood at marked The theme was Justification and the discussion of the plenary sessions addressed the New Perspective on Paul and specifically some of NT Wright's views. NT Wright does a masterful job of interacting with Evangelical critiques of his view. Other plenary speakers included Frank Thielman, Presbyterian Professor of Divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University, originally John Piper was also to speak, but was unable to attend and Tom Schreiner spoke in his place.
Robert Saucy Dr. Saucy's book, The Church in God's Program , is a standard ecclesiology text in colleges and seminaries nationwide. He is also the author of The Bible: Breathed from God ; The Case for Progressive Dispensationalism ; and Scripture: Its Authority, Power and Relevance . Dr. Saucy co-authored The Common Made Holy ; Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? ; and Women and Men in Ministry: A Complementary... read more

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