
-PLENARY SESSION 1: The Incarnation and Christian Existence: The Humiliation of the Name

Part 1 of a 19 part series.
Topic: Incarnation
Organization: ETS National
Price: $3.00


Our God is a faithful who delights in using the particular to bless the universal.  Calling it the scandal of progressive particularly,  Kelly Kapic unpacks the implications of our Lord having been incarnate, and now continuing to be incarnate.  We must not take the human nature of the eternal Son of God for granted; for in him God and humanity come together.  This scandal takes us not only through the story of creation and its Creator, through Israel and the true Lord, but at its climax and most particular, this story leads through death, even on a cross, to the one.  The one who is both the perfect of invisible God, and full image of faithful man.  And the reason this name is above all names, is because we, like the disciple Thomas, now stand with mouths open and hearts full, confessing my Lord and my God. 


This is a lecture from the 2011 National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society on the theme, “No Other Name.” The conference featured plenary speakers: Darrell Bock, Tim Tennant, and Kelly Kapic.

Kelly M Kapic A speaker for the 2022 National meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society

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