
James B. Jordan - 100 Articles, Essays, and Books (Digital Texts)

Organization: Biblical Horizons
Price: $150.00

This the Definitive Collection of James B. Jordan's Articles, Essays, and Books - includes over 100 publications! These books and articles are a priceless collection of resources with tremendous exegetical, biblical-theological, and practical insights. Every teacher or preacher should find this as a treasure chest. These are (mostly) in Word format. These are also included in the Complete James Jordan Collection:

Note: Individual items like "Biblical Horizons 1989-2004" alone contains over 100 individual essays.


James B. Jordan James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force,... read more
69 items found

Items Included

1944 Hitler and Israel or On Prayer James B. Jordan
1977 1991 Van Til and the Greeks James B. Jordan
1978 1991 AntiUtopianism in Modern Conservative Thought James B. Jordan
1981 Liturgical Thinking James B. Jordan
1982 CC1 The Failure of the American Baptist Culture
1982 CC2 The Theology of Christian Resistance James B. Jordan
1983 CC3 Tactics of Christian Resistance
1984 1990 The Law of the Covenant James B. Jordan
1985 CC4 Reconstruction of the Church
1985 Judges Gods War Against Humanism
1985 The Israelite Militia in the Old Testament
19851988 The Geneva Review JBJ Articles Only
1986 Christian Piety Deformed and Reformed
1986 Sabbath Breaking and the Death Penalty
1986 The Love Feast in the Early Church
1986 The Sociology of the Church James B. Jordan
1987 The Life of Abraham
1988 Christianity and the Calendar
1988 From Glory to Glory Degrees of Value in the Sanctuary James B. Jordan
1988 Practical Knowledge of the Soul
1988 Primeval Saints Studies in the Patriarchs of Genesis James B. Jordan
1988 Puritanism and Music
1988 Review of Dominion Theology Blessing or Curse
1988 Sand Trek An Overview of Numbers LECTURE NOTES
1988 The Bible and the Nations
1988 The Biblical Chronology Question An Analysis James B. Jordan
1988 The Tabernacle A New Creation James B. Jordan
1988 Thoughts on Jachin and Boaz
1988 Through New Eyes James B. Jordan
1989 Covenant Sequence in Leviticus Deuteronomy
1989 Reconsidering the Mosaic Law Some Reflections
1989 Studies in Food and Faith
1989 The Death Penalty in the Mosaic Law
1989 The Holy War in America Today
1989 The Law of Forbidden Mixtures James B. Jordan
19891999 Biblical Chronology
19892004 Rite Reasons
19892007 Biblical Horizons
19892007 Rite Reasons
1990 Does the Bible Forbid Family Planning
1990 The Great Awakening and American Nationalism
1990 The Objects of Taxation
1990 What is the Kingdom of God
1991 Chariot of Fire
1991 Chariots of Water James B. Jordan
1991 The Whole Burnt Sacrifice
1991-2003 Trees and Thorns: A Commentary of Genesis 2-4 James B. Jordan
19911999 Open Book
1992 Pig Out James B. Jordan
1993 Advice From a Sojourner
1993 Proph Spec The New Tribalism and the Christian Future Transcription
1994 A Preliminary Commentary on the Book of Daniel James B. Jordan
1994 Crisis Opportunity and the Christian Future James B. Jordan
1996 Cosmos Constructors
1997 Christendom Essays Biblical Horizons 100
1997 Countdown to Exile The End of the Kingdom of Judah
1998 Food and Faith James B. Jordan
1998 Psalter Book 3
1998 The King as Vassal
1999 A Brief Readers Guide to Revelation
2001 A Chronological and Calendrical Commentary on the Pentateuch
2001 Esther in the Midst of Covenant History
2002- 2003 Biblical Theology Basics: Essays inc...ant - continued (by James B. Jordan
2002-2007 Essays Biblical Theology Basics James B. Jordan
Christ in His Supper James B. Jordan
Did Plato Read Moses? James B. Jordan
Slavery in Biblical Perspective (doc) James B. Jordan
Studies in Genesis One
Thoughts on Sovereign Grace and Regeneration (PDF) James B. Jordan