
The Septuagint and Christian Scriptures

Part 410 of a 504 part series.
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00
This item is an mp3 audio recording from the conference set: Christianity in the Early Centuries Complete recordings from the 57th Annual Meeting of The Evangelical Theological Society in Philadelphia, PA, featuring plenary speakers: Christopher Hall – What Evangelicals and Liberals Can Learn from the Church Fathers; Nicholas Perrin – Thomas, the Fifth Gospel? D. Jeffrey Bingham – Development and Diversity in Early Christianity; Craig Blaising - Presidential Address – Faithfulness: A Prescription for Theology; Paul Trebilco – Gnostics in Asia Minor in the Early Second Century CE, Ignatius, and Others, as Witnesses against Bauer. This conference was held in November of 2005.
W. Edward Glenny (Northwestern University) served as a Respondent at the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting in San Antonio, TX (2016), in the section addressing General Epistles: A "Canonical" Approach of the Catholic Epistles. The theme of the 2016 ETS conference was the Trinity.

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