Does Isa. 65:20 Refer to an Intermediate Eschatological Kingdom?
A talk from the 69th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (Nov. 15-17, 2017). The theme for this year's conference: "The Heritage of the Reformation," points to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. In addition, some sessions will focus on a secondary theme of "religious liberty," reflecting on the significance of meeting in Providence, Rhode Island where Roger Williams, author of "The Bloody Tenent of Persecution," planted a free church in the 17th century to protest the idea of an official state church. The plenary speakers for this conference are: Gwenfair Adams (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) "Shock and Awe: The Reformers and the Stunning Joy of Romans 1-8," Timothy George (Beeson Divinity School) "Where Are the Nail Prints? The Devil and Dr. Luther," Scott Manetsch (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) "John Calvin's Doctrine of the Christian Life.
GK Beale is Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He has served as The Kenneth T. Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies and Professor of New Testament at the Wheaton College Graduate School, and Visiting Fellow at St. Edmunds College in Cambridge, England for the 2007-2008 academic year. Books Published: The Use of Daniel in Jewish Apocalyptic Literature... read more
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