
Kevin Vanhoozer - Moses and the Trinity - The Name of the Lord and the Goodness of God in Exod. 33-34

Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00

A recording from the ETS 2016 national meeting from the section, Biblical Theology: The Trinity and Divine Identity. About this conference - The 68th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society with the theme - The Trinity - November 15-17, 2016, in San Antonio, TX.

Kevin J Vanhoozer Vanhoozer received his Ph.D. from Cambridge University where he studied under Nicholas Lash. His inter-disciplinary dissertation was titled Biblical Narrative in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur: A Study in Hermeneutics and Theology. He taught at TEDS From 1986 to 1990, then was senior lecturer at New College, University of Edinburgh, Scotland until 1998, when he returned to TEDS.

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