
Reconciliation and Wrath as Reconstructed in the Shack and Emergent Fiction

Part 144 of a 355 part series.
Topic: Ethics
Organization: ETS National
Price: $4.00

Selected talks from the 2009 National Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, held in New Orleans. Personal and Social Ethics—the theme of this year’s conference addresses a climate of relativism and pluralism that characterizes the present generation. Plenary speakers are: E. DAVID COOK, Wheaton College on “Individual and Community: Lessons from Bioethics,” SAMUEL KUNHIYOP South African Theological Seminary on “Towards Communal Christian Ethics: An African Perspective,” JOHN F. KILNER, Trinity International University on “Biblically-Based Ethics: What’s Missing,” SCOTT B. RAE, Talbot School of Theology on “On the Intersection of Faith, Economics, and Social Ethics.”

James B. DeYoung James B. De Young is Senior Professor of New Testament Language and Literature at Western Seminary, Portland, OR, where he has taught since 1975. In April, 2015, he retired and was honored with this title after 40 years of full time teaching.