
Greg Bahnsen - Modern Philosophy (37 mp3s)

Price: $100.00 FREE

New set!
History of Philosophy--Modern (includes 19th & 20th century): This set (third part of three) completes Dr. Bahnsen's survey of the history of Western thought and its cultural impact. Presuppositional analysis is applied to the last two-hundred years of philosophy, beginning with the shaky responses to the hammer-blows of Kant's critical philosophy and continuing on with valuable discussions and insights. Set includes 37 lectures; listen to the first one free!

See also the sets of Ancient History and Renaissance History.

Greg L. Bahnsen Rev. Greg L. Bahnsen, Ph.D. (Univ. Southern California) (1948-1995), was an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and a full time Scholar in Residence for the Southern California Center for Christian Studies. He received a Ph.D. in philosophy from USC, B.A. (magna cum laude, philosophy) from Westmont College, and M.Div. and Th.M. degrees from... read more
37 items found

Items Included

01 Modern Review Ancient Enlightenment Philosophy GB1620a Greg L. Bahnsen
02 Mod Review Ancient Enlig 2 GB1620b Greg L. Bahnsen
03 Hegel GB1621a Greg L. Bahnsen
04 Hegel 2 GB1621b Greg L. Bahnsen
05 Hegel 3 GB1622a Greg L. Bahnsen
06 Hegel 4 GB1622b Greg L. Bahnsen
07 Hegel Intro Schopenhauer GB1623a Greg L. Bahnsen
08 Hegel Intro Schopenhauer 2 GB1623b Greg L. Bahnsen
09 Schopenhauer GB1624a Greg L. Bahnsen
10 Schopenhauer 2 GB1624b Greg L. Bahnsen
11 Romanticism Subj GB1625a Greg L. Bahnsen
12 Romanticism Subj 2 GB1625b Greg L. Bahnsen
13 NietscheSecularism GB1626a Greg L. Bahnsen
14 NietscheSecularism 2 GB1626b Greg L. Bahnsen
15 Util Mater Positivism GB1627a Greg L. Bahnsen
16 Util Mater Positivism 2 GB1627b Greg L. Bahnsen
17 Darwin Marx GB1628a Greg L. Bahnsen
18 Darwin Marx 2 GB1628b Greg L. Bahnsen
19 Marxism GB1629a Greg L. Bahnsen
20 Marxism 2 GB1629b Greg L. Bahnsen
21 Marxism Summation GB1630a Greg L. Bahnsen
22 Marxism Summation 2 GB1630b Greg L. Bahnsen
23 Process Idealism GB1631a Greg L. Bahnsen
24 Process Idealism 2 GB1631b Greg L. Bahnsen
25 Personal Realism GB1632a Greg L. Bahnsen
26 Personal Realism 2 GB1632b Greg L. Bahnsen
27 Phenom Existentialism GB1633a Greg L. Bahnsen
28 Phenom Existentialism 2 GB1633b Greg L. Bahnsen
29 Existentialism Pragmatism GB1634a Greg L. Bahnsen
30 Existentialism Pragmatism 2 GB1634b Greg L. Bahnsen
31 Pragmatism GB1635a Greg L. Bahnsen
32 Pragmatism 2 GB1635b Greg L. Bahnsen
33 Analytic Phil GB1636a Greg L. Bahnsen
34 Analytic Phil 2 GB1636b Greg L. Bahnsen
35 Linguistic Anal GB1637a Greg L. Bahnsen
36 Linguistic Anal 2 GB1637b Greg L. Bahnsen
37 Assessment GB1638 Greg L. Bahnsen