Noteworthy Music exists to improve the musical experience of untrained singers.
Anyone can learn a tune effortlessly simply by listening. Many people are able to listen to recordings. However, no one is likely to listen to a synthesized recording often enough to become familiar with it. Therefore, live recordings are needed. With no choirs or instrumentalists at my disposal, I use what I have: my own voice.
All selections were recorded in my office, for my enjoyment, using no professional equipment. This is fast (usually 30 minutes per song), it's cheap, and the words are clear.
The downside is that I am not trained or talented. Singing quality is listed for each selection, using the legend: 1: Poor -I need to record it again. 2: Marginal -Barely good enough. 3: Acceptable -The best I can do. I post these for the sake of the tunes, not my voice.
All recordings are in the Public Domain. Please see the individual hymnals cited regarding copyright information for the lyrics and music.
Author and composer attributions are not precise. They are optimized for searching, not researching.
For corrections, comments or requests, please write michaelowens@genevanpsalter.com.
For the rest of my services, please see noteworthymusicservices.com