
Noteworthy Music (Michael Owens)

    Noteworthy Music exists to improve the musical experience of untrained singers.
    Anyone can learn a tune effortlessly simply by listening.  Many people are able to listen to recordings.  However, no one is likely to listen to a synthesized recording often enough to become familiar with it.  Therefore, live recordings are needed. With no choirs or instrumentalists at my disposal, I use what I have: my own voice.
    All selections were recorded in my office, for my enjoyment, using no professional equipment.  This is fast (usually 30 minutes per song), it's cheap, and the words are clear.
    The downside is that I am not trained or talented. Singing quality is listed for each selection, using the legend:  1: Poor -I need to record it again. 2: Marginal -Barely good enough. 3: Acceptable -The best I can do.  I post these for the sake of the tunes, not my voice.
    All recordings are in the Public Domain.  Please see the individual hymnals cited regarding copyright information for the lyrics and music.
    Author and composer attributions are not precise.  They are optimized for searching, not researching.
    For corrections, comments or requests, please write
    For the rest of my services, please see


Current Broadcast: Savior, Arise!

Michael E. Owens
Date: 3/11/2024
Type: Concert
Topic: Exile
First line: Savior, arise and see Tune name: POST EXILE stanzas: 1, 2, 3, 4 Genre: Common practice Source: files Composer: Michael E. Owens Author: Donald P. Owens II © Singer: Michael E. Owens Quality: 3 Comments:

Recent Broadcasts

Savior, Arise! Michael E. Owens Concert3/11/2024
Night Falls in the West Michael E. Owens Concert3/11/2024
Ride to Battle Michael E. Owens Concert10/21/2023
How Hymn Tunes Mean Michael E. Owens Lecture7/19/2023
Psalm 4 Cameronian Midnight Hymn Michael E. Owens Concert12/22/2022
A Virgin Conceived Michael E. Owens Concert12/20/2022
Psalm 92 Wethersfield Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Penney Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Maaloth Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Llandudno Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Grovesend Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Faith Church Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Confidence Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Candler [Loud Hallelujahs] Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Psalm 92 Boise Leading (Kou) Michael E. Owens Concert10/20/2022
Proclamation of the Faith Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
View Me, Lord Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
On the Wings of Light Declining Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
O Christ, You Walked the Road EVENING SHADE Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
My Lord in His Affliction Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
Kyrie (Echo) Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
Jesus, My Only Hope Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
I Sought the Lord Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
Gloria (round) Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
Amen! Blessing and Glory Michael E. Owens Concert10/15/2022
Psalm 21 San Rocco Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
Lift Up, Lift Up Your Voices Now Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
John 3:16 (round) Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
Alleluia! Born Is the King (round) Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
Darkness Disappeareth (round) Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
Jesus Is King (round) Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
Psalm 21b Elfaker Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
Psalm 21a New Concord Michael E. Owens Concert10/12/2022
O Day of God, Draw Nigh Michael E. Owens Concert10/10/2022
O Enter, Lord, Thy Temple Michael E. Owens Concert10/10/2022
Hold Thou My Hands Michael E. Owens Concert10/9/2022
Psalm 137 By the waters (round) Michael E. Owens Concert10/9/2022
Come, Bless the Lord (Psalm 134) Michael E. Owens Concert10/9/2022
Psalm 126 Liberty (Payton) Michael E. Owens Concert10/9/2022
Psalm 125 Abbeyville Michael E. Owens Concert10/9/2022
Psalm 99 Sidney round Michael E. Owens Concert10/9/2022
Psalm 90 Das Alte Jahr Vergangen Michael E. Owens Concert10/6/2022
Psalm 80 Vineyard Haven Michael E. Owens Concert9/26/2022
Psalm 53 Asbury Michael E. Owens Concert9/26/2022
Psalm 68 Easter Skies Michael E. Owens Concert9/26/2022
Psalm 67 Dover [Hampton] Michael E. Owens Concert9/26/2022
Psalm 28 Wondrous Book Michael E. Owens Concert9/26/2022
Psalm 5 Not in Words Michael E. Owens Concert9/26/2022
Psalm 81 Becker Michael E. Owens Concert9/25/2022
Psalm 131 Llysfaen Michael E. Owens Concert9/24/2022
Psalm 137 Hickory Road DPOII Michael E. Owens Concert9/24/2022
Psalm 36 Chasten Michael E. Owens Concert9/23/2022
Holy Father, Cheer Our Way Michael E. Owens Concert9/23/2022
Psalm 41 Charnel Michael E. Owens Concert9/23/2022
Psalm 10 Pointview Avenue Michael E. Owens Concert9/22/2022
Psalm 76 Tregwyddol Michael E. Owens Concert9/21/2022
In Your Wrath (Psalm 38) Michael E. Owens Concert9/20/2022
Search Me, O God Michael E. Owens Concert9/20/2022
Psalm 35b Sons of Sorrow Michael E. Owens Concert9/20/2022
I Will Arise and Go to Jesus Michael E. Owens Concert9/18/2022
We Rest on Thee Michael E. Owens Concert9/17/2022
All Mankind Fell Michael E. Owens Concert9/16/2022
That Cause Can Neither Be Lost nor Strayed Michael E. Owens Concert9/15/2022
Beneath the Blood-Stained Lintel Michael E. Owens Concert9/15/2022
I Know That My Redeemer Lives Michael E. Owens Concert9/15/2022
Who Is This That Comes from Far Michael E. Owens Concert9/13/2022
Babylon Is Fallen Michael E. Owens Concert9/11/2022
To the Word Michael E. Owens Concert8/28/2022
Psalm 7 Remembrance G. R. F. Michael E. Owens Concert8/20/2022
Psalm 99 AETERNUS Michael E. Owens Concert7/17/2022
Writing Metrical Psalms 1 Detail Matters Donald P. Owens Lecture6/29/2022
Psalm 30a MACH'S MIT MIR Michael E. Owens Concert4/27/2022
Psalm 63 O GOD ETERNAL Michael E. Owens Concert3/18/2022
My Beloved Michael E. Owens Concert3/16/2022
Psalm 123 MEIRIONYDD Michael E. Owens Concert3/16/2022
Psalm 45 LEOMINSTER Michael E. Owens Concert3/16/2022
Psalm 143 LLANGLOFFAN Michael E. Owens Concert3/16/2022
Song of Messiah's Kingdom Michael E. Owens Concert3/16/2022
Psalm 30 ST. JOHN Michael E. Owens Concert3/15/2022
Psalm 36 ST. GREGORY Michael E. Owens Concert3/15/2022
Psalm 36 NOEL Michael E. Owens Concert3/15/2022
Psalm 1 CANAAN (Johnson) Michael E. Owens Concert3/15/2022
Psalm 51b AJALON Michael E. Owens Concert3/15/2022
Psalm 98 CHEERFUL Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 139a TENDER THOUGHT Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 66 ST. MATTHEW Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 131 SONG 46 Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 119Q MARTIN (Hughes) Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Song of Zechariah CLONMEL Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 119 LAWES 32 Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 89 Wilbur Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 25 GLENFINLAS Michael E. Owens Concert3/14/2022
Psalm 70 PSALM TONE Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Psalm 146 RIPLEY Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Song of Jonah Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Psalm 130 EASTERGATE Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Psalm 135 WAREHAM Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Psalm 49 ROSE HILL Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Psalm 26 CANAAN (Bailey) Michael E. Owens Concert3/13/2022
Psalm 119 O MENSCH SIEH Michael E. Owens Concert3/12/2022