Is the Gospel of Thomas the Fifth Gospel?
Are you able to answer the wave of questions, issues, and challenges arising from Dan Brown’s, Da Vinci Code book or film (starring Tom Hanks)? Reportedly it is the fastest selling book in history. For thinking Christians with a real Christian worldview, this is a great opportunity. What has Athens to do with Jerusalem? What has gnosticism to do with the resurrection? What has Nag Hammadi to do with Jerusalem? Much of the scholarly issues surrounding the Da Vinci Code have to do with the Gospel of Thomas (and other Nag Hammadi texts, similar to the “Gospel of Judas”). Get prepared with Nicholas Perrin’s excellent talk at the Evangelical Theological Society, presented with wit and precise scholarship. Dr. Perrin is a professor of New Testament at Wheaton College and has served for several years as a research fellow for Dr. N.T. Wright. He holds a Ph.D., from Marquette University (2001) where he wrote on“Thomas and Tatian: The Relationship between the Gospel of Thomas and the Diatessaron.” Nick gained an M.Div. from Covenant Theological Seminary, 1994 and a B.A., from The Johns Hopkins University , 1986.
Dr. Perrin is the Franklin S. Dyrness Professor of Biblical Studiest Wheaton College (Ph.D., Marquette University, M.Div., Covenant Theological Seminary, B.A., The Johns Hopkins University , 1986). His publications include: Publications and Presentations Lost in Transmission: What We Can Know and Not Know about the Words of Jesus (Nashville: Thomas Nelson: [Forthcoming December] 2007) Thomas:... read more
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