
Rev. Michael Shover

Rev. Michael  Shover

Michael Shover has served as the Pastor of Christ the Redeemer Church in Pella, Iowa since 2018. He is happily married with three children and three grandchildren.

Downloadable Sets

Samuel 0 FREE

494 items found

Liturgy - What is the Purpose of Liturgical Worship 1/5/2025
1 Samuel 2:27-36 - Judgment on Eli's House 1/5/2025
1 Samuel 2:11-26 - Growing in Favor with God and Man 12/22/2024
Judges 19-21 The Civil War Against Benjamin 12/15/2024
1 Samuel 2:1-10 - Hannah's Song 12/15/2024
Judges 17-18 - Micah, the Levite, and Dan 12/8/2024
1 Samuel 1 - The Barren Gives Birth 12/8/2024
Introduction to Samuel 12/1/2024
Psalm 106 11/27/2024
Judges 16 - Samson, pt. 5 11/10/2024
Psalm 146 - Do Not Put Your Trust in Princes 11/10/2024
Judges 15 - Samson, pt. 4 11/3/2024
Psalm 149 - Singing and Slaying 11/3/2024
Judges 14 - Samson, pt. 3 10/20/2024
Psalm 119:9-16 Guarding Our Heart on the Way 10/20/2024
Judges 13 - Samson, pt. 2 10/6/2024
Judges 13 - Samson, pt. 1 9/29/2024
Judges 12 - Jephthah, pt. 3 9/22/2024
Mark 9:30-37 - Receiving Children in Christ's Name 9/22/2024
Judges 11 - Jephthah, pt. 2 9/15/2024
James 5:13-20 The Prayer of Faith 9/15/2024
Judges 10 - Jephthah, pt. 1 9/8/2024
James 5:7-12 Patience 9/1/2024
James 5:1-6 Fattened for the Slaughter 8/25/2024
James 4:13-17 Merchants of Death 8/18/2024
James 4:11-12 Judge Not 8/11/2024
James 4:1-10 Draw Near to God 8/4/2024
James Interlude 7/7/2024
James 3:13-18 The Meekness of Wisdom 6/30/2024
James 3:1-12 Taming the Tongue 6/23/2024
James 2:14-26 Faith: Dead or Alive 6/9/2024
James 2:1-13 Love Your Neighbor: No Partiality 6/2/2024
Matt. 28:18-20 The Great Commission 5/26/2024
Christ in You, the Hope of Glory 5/12/2024
Christ's Ascension Power 5/9/2024
Judges 9 - Abimelech pt. 2 5/5/2024
James 1:26-27 Pure and Undefiled Relgion 5/5/2024
Judges 9 - Abimelech pt. 1 4/28/2024
James 1:22-25 Doers of the Word 4/28/2024
Judges 8 - Gideon pt. 3 4/21/2024
James 1:19-21 The Anger of Man 4/21/2024
Judges 7 - Gideon, pt. 2 4/14/2024
James 1:16-18 God's Good Gifts 4/14/2024
Judges 6 - Gideon, pt .1 4/7/2024
Mark 16:1-8 He Goes Before You 3/31/2024
Judges 5 - Song of Deborah, pt. 2 3/24/2024
James 1:12-15 Victory Over Sin and Temptation 3/24/2024
Judges 5 - Song of Deborah, pt. 1 3/17/2024
James 1:9-12 Crown of Life 3/17/2024
James 1:5-8 Asking God for Wisdom 3/10/2024
James 1:1-4 - Count It All Joy 2/25/2024
James - Introduction 2/18/2024
Discerning the Lord's Body - Paedocommunion 2/11/2024
Paedobaptism 2/4/2024
Mark 1:15 My Life for Yours 1/21/2024
John 1:43-51 Seeing the Glory of Christ 1/14/2024
Mark 1:9-11 Baptism of Jesus 1/7/2024
Need Comfort? Know Your Sins and Misery 12/31/2023
Psalm 110 - The Throne of David 12/24/2023
Sunday School - Sermon Discussion 12/17/2023
Isaiah 61 - Rebuilding the Ruins 12/17/2023
Judges 4 - Jael 12/10/2023
Isaiah 40:1-11 Comfort, Comfort My People 12/10/2023
Judges 4 - Deborah 12/3/2023
Happy Hearts, Happy Homes 12/3/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:21-29 Lord, Lord 11/26/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:15-20 - Wolves in Sheep's Clothing 11/5/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:7-14 - Ask, Seek, Knock 10/29/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:6 Dogs and Hogs 10/22/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7:1-5 Logs of Hypocrisy 10/15/2023
Judges 3:12-31 Ehud and Shamgar 9/24/2023
Judges 3:1-11 - Othniel 9/17/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6:25-34 Do Not Worry 9/17/2023
Judges 1-2 - It Started Off Good 9/10/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6:19-24 Christ, Our Heavenly Treasure 9/10/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6:16-18 Coram Deo: Fasting 9/3/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6:5-15 Coram Deo: Prayer 8/27/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 6:1-4 Coram Deo: Doing Righteousness and Giving Al... 8/20/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:43-48 Love Your Enemies 8/13/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:38-42 Lex Talionis 8/6/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:33-37 Oaths 7/30/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:31-32 Divorce 7/23/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:27-30 Adultery 7/16/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:22-26 Murder She Felt 6/25/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:17-20 Fulfilling the Law 6/18/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:13-16 Salt and Light 6/11/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:1-12 The Beatitudes 5/28/2023
Sermon on the Mount - Introduction 5/14/2023
2 Corinithans 5 - The Guarantee of the Spirit 5/7/2023
2 Corinithians 5 - The Groaning of the Spirit 4/30/2023
2 Corinthians 5 - Our Union with Christ 4/23/2023
2 Cor. 5:1 - Our Earthly Tent 4/16/2023
Where is Your Victory, O Death? 4/9/2023
Beautiful Feet 4/6/2023
With Palms in Her Hands 4/2/2023
John 8:12-59 I AM 3/26/2023
John 6:1-15 Bread of Life from Heaven 3/19/2023
Genesis 32:22-32 Wrestling with God 3/5/2023
Feasting and Fasting: Combat with the Devil 2/26/2023
Matthew 17:1-9: Transfiguration: No Mere Mortals 2/19/2023