
ETSe 2018 - The Attributes of God with James Dolezal (30 mp3s)

Organization: ETS Eastern
Price: $60.00

The complete recordings from the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society's Eastern Region (4/6-7/2018) with the theme of “The Attributes of God.” The conference was held at Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, PA, with keynote speaker, Dr. James Dolezal who teaches church history, trinitarian theology, and philosophy at Cairn University, Langhorne, PA (formerly, Philadelphia Biblical University). His publications include All That Is In God: Evangelical Theology and the Challenge of Classical Christian Theism (Reformation Heritage, 2017) and God without Parts: Divine Simplicity and the Metaphysics of God’s Absoluteness (Pickwick, 2011).

James Dolezal A speaker for the 2022 National meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society
30 items found

Items Included

-Plenary 01 - God's Simplicity: God Without Parts James Dolezal
A Call to Piety: A New Interpretation of The Ju...her on Monastic Vows Neal Martin
Alan Kurschner The Theological WordConcept Fal...ritique Then and Now Alan E. Kurschner
Current Roman Catholic Perspectives on the Metaethics of Natural Law Kyle Smith
Dazzling Discoveries in Cell Biology Demolish Darwinism Merrill Cohen
Does God Feel? God's Impassibility: Does God Have Passions? James Dolezal
Doug McCready Resistance and Rebellion in the...rview and Assessment Doug McCready
Exodus 32:10-14: The Day God Changed His Mind O...ty with His Mobility Peter Ndaita
God Is...: A Reformed Position and Response on the Simplicity of God Austin Hess
God Wills It: A Reading of the Pactum Salutis T...Divine WilltoCreate Nathan Sundt
God's Aseity: Is your god worthy of worship? Gregg Strawbridge
Is It Time to Stop Talking about Evangelicalism...out Evangelicalisms? Mark Draper
John Ronning Seven Keys to the Interpretation of Genesis 3:15 John Ronning
Joshua Brownfield Dissenting Dissenters: Richa...lleine on Conversion Joshua Brownfield
Kevin Koslowsky Exclusivity and Ecumenicity: A...onald Gray Barnhouse Kevin Koslowsky
Mark Farnham How Far Will We Go to Save Lives?...rgan Transplantation Mark Farnham
Mark Hassler Evaluating Hermeneutical the Old Testament Mark A. Hassler
Reforming the Secular: Ecclesial Counterformati...h and Charles Taylor Andrew Thrasher
Robert D. Anderson - Is “the prophet like Moses...anding John 6:35-40?
Secular Man and the Revelation of God: Advancin...ith Carl F. H. Henry Isaac Seo
The Exalted King of Power and the Communion of...s Reformed Dogmatics Justin McLendon
The God Who Reveals: A Response to Schellenbergs Hiddenness Argument Dan Wiley
The Moral Obligation to Reflect Gods Beauty Christian Smith
The Pentecost and Redemptive History Jeong Koo Jeon
The Pistis Christou Debate and Pauline Theology Kevin McFadden
The Relationship Between the Justification and...ore Nuanced Approach Michael Christ
Toby Hills-Credle - The Attributes of God in African-American Spirituals Toby Hills-Credle
Todd Mangum Protestants and Old Testament Theo...oving on Our History Todd Mangum
Walter Foster God the Farmer: The Role of Agri...Covenant with Israel Walter Foster
Why Moses? ReEvaluating the Reference to Moses in Heb. 3:16 Timothy Bertolet