
Biblical Horizons 2016 Conference - Death and Sexual Revolution (19 mp3s)

Organization: Biblical Horizons
Price: $50.00

The COMPLETE RECORDINGS of the joint Biblical Horizons/Theopolis Institute 2016 Bible Conference - with speakers: Jeff Meyers, John Barach, Rich Bledsoe, Uri Brito, James Jordan, and

Peter Leithart.  Held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 44 Southview Ave., Valparaiso, Florida, July 18-22, 2016.

James B. Jordan James B. Jordan is the Director of Biblical Horizons ministries, a theological think tank that publishes books, monographs, essays and taped lectures focused on Bible commentary, Biblical theology and liturgical theology. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in comparative literature. During four years in the United States Air force,... read more
20 items found

Items Included

01 Good Death and Transfiguration James B. Jordan
02 The Gospel of the Near Kingdom 1 John Barach
03 The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation James B. Jordan
04 Death and the Sacred Peter J. Leithart
05 Killing Me Softly Richard Bledsoe
06 The Gospel of the Near Kingdom 02 John Barach
07 Introduction to Christian Ars Moriendi (art of dying) Jeffrey J. Meyers
08 The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation 02 James B. Jordan
10 The Gospel of the Near Kingdom 03 John Barach
11 The Medicalization of Death Jeffrey J. Meyers
12 Lingering Death (Romans 7) James B. Jordan
13 Dead Man's Party Richard Bledsoe
14 The Genealogies of I Chronicles Peter J. Leithart
15 The Art of Post-Mortem Christian Rituals Jeffrey J. Meyers
16 Questions and Answers Session Peter J. Leithart
IView - James B. Jordan's Way of Reading Scripture James B. Jordan
The Death of Sex: Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Revolution Uriesou T. Brito
Vespers Liturgy 01 James B. Jordan
Vespers Liturgy 02 James B. Jordan
Vespers Liturgy 03 James B. Jordan