06 The Gospel of the Near Kingdom 02
A talk from the Joint Biblical Horizons/Theopolis Institute 2016 Bible Conference - with speakers: Jeff Meyers, John Barach, Rich Bledsoe, Uri Brito, James Jordan, and Peter Leithart. They will address:
Jeff Meyers
Introduction to Christian Ars Moriendi
The Medicalization of Death & Its Cure
The Art of Post-Mortem Christian Rituals
Uri Brito
The Death of Sex: Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Revolution
The Death of Life: Pastoral Theology in an Age of Sexual Abuse
James B. Jordan
Good-death and transfiguration
The 4000-year old grave
The centrality of death in the Old Creation
Death and uncleanness
Lingering death: Why Romans 7 is still relevant for Christians
Judaizing and "Natural Law"
Monday, July 18
7:00pm Birth of Conference. Vespers; James B. Jordan: Good/Death and Transfiguration
Tuesday, July 19
8:30am John Barach: The Gospel of the Near Kingdom #1
9:45am James B. Jordan: The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation
11:20am Missionary Update with Eric Pyle
11:40am Peter Leithart: Death and the Sacred
7:00pm Vespers; Richard Bledsoe: Killing me Softly with this Song
Wednesday, July 20
8:30am John Barach: The Gospel of the Near Kingdom #2
9:45am Jeff Meyers: Introduction to Christian Ars Moriendi
11:20am Psalm ROAR; James B. Jordan: The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation
7:00pm Vespers; Uri Brito: The Death of Sex: Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Revolution
Thursday, July 21
8:30am John Barach: The Gospel of the Near Kingdom #3
9:45am Jeff Meyers: The Medicalization of Death
11:20am James B. Jordan: Lingering Death: Why Romans 7 is still relevant for Christians
7:00pm Vespers; Richard Bledsoe: Dead Man’s Party
Friday, July 22
8:30am Peter Leithart: The Geneaologies of I Chronicles
9:45am Jeff Meyers: The Art of Post-Mortem Christian Rituals
11:20am Psalm-Roar; General Q & A for speakers
Held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 44 Southview Ave., Valparaiso, Florida, July 18-22, 2016
John was born in Invermere, British Columbia, Canada, but grew up mainly in Alberta. He received a Bachelor of Biblical Studies degree from Peace River Bible Institute in 1994, studied English at the University of Alberta, and graduated from Mid-America Reformed Seminary in 1997. He pastored Trinity Reformed Church (URCNA) in Lethbridge, Alberta, from 1999 to 2002, and Covenant Reformed Church (URCNA)... read more
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