
07 Introduction to Christian Ars Moriendi (art of dying)

Organization: Biblical Horizons
Price: $4.00

A talk from the Joint Biblical Horizons/Theopolis Institute 2016 Bible Conference - with speakers: Jeff Meyers, John Barach, Rich Bledsoe, Uri Brito, James Jordan, and Peter Leithart. They will address:

Jeff Meyers
Introduction to Christian Ars Moriendi
The Medicalization of Death & Its Cure
The Art of Post-Mortem Christian Rituals

Uri Brito
The Death of Sex: Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Revolution
The Death of Life: Pastoral Theology in an Age of Sexual Abuse

James B. Jordan
Good-death and transfiguration
The 4000-year old grave
The centrality of death in the Old Creation
Death and uncleanness
Lingering death: Why Romans 7 is still relevant for Christians
Judaizing and "Natural Law"

Monday, July 18
7:00pm Birth of Conference. Vespers; James B. Jordan: Good/Death and Transfiguration

Tuesday, July 19
8:30am John Barach: The Gospel of the Near Kingdom #1
9:45am James B. Jordan: The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation
11:20am Missionary Update with Eric Pyle
11:40am Peter Leithart: Death and the Sacred
7:00pm Vespers; Richard Bledsoe: Killing me Softly with this Song

Wednesday, July 20
8:30am John Barach: The Gospel of the Near Kingdom #2
9:45am Jeff Meyers: Introduction to Christian Ars Moriendi
11:20am Psalm ROAR; James B. Jordan: The Centrality of Death in the Old Creation
7:00pm Vespers; Uri Brito: The Death of Sex: Alfred Kinsey's Sexual Revolution

Thursday, July 21
8:30am John Barach: The Gospel of the Near Kingdom #3
9:45am Jeff Meyers: The Medicalization of Death
11:20am James B. Jordan: Lingering Death: Why Romans 7 is still relevant for Christians
7:00pm Vespers; Richard Bledsoe: Dead Man’s Party

Friday, July 22
8:30am Peter Leithart: The Geneaologies of I Chronicles
9:45am Jeff Meyers: The Art of Post-Mortem Christian Rituals
11:20am Psalm-Roar; General Q & A for speakers

Held at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 44 Southview Ave., Valparaiso, Florida, July 18-22, 2016

Jeffrey J. Meyers Jeffrey Meyers is pastor of Providence Reformed Church in St. Louis. He is the husband of one, and father of four, and author of The Lord's Service (Canon Press). Visit Providence Reformed online at .

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