
ETS 2015 - Marriage and the Family (743 mp3s)

Organization: ETS National
Price: $500.00 $99.97

Over 740 Mp3s! This is a Downloadable Set of All Captured Recordings from the 67th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, held Wednesday through Friday, November 17-19, 2015 at the Hilton, Atlanta, Georgia. The Program Theme is "Marriage and the Family" - NOW AVAILABLE.

The keynote addresses are as follows:

Wesley Hill

Trinity School for Ministry

Washed and Still Waiting: Homosexuality in Evangelical Perspective

Myrto Theocharous

Greek Bible College in Athens, Greece
Becoming a Refuge: Sex Trafficking and the People of God

Everett L. Worthington

Virginia Commonwealth University

Forgiveness in Marriage

John Trent

Moody Theological Seminary

Revolutionary Marriage: The revolution needed to champion an Evangelical theology of marriage as we face The Law of Graduality

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Myrto Theocharous Dr. Myrto Theocharous is a professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at the Greek Bible College, Athens, Greece. She received her MA in Biblical Exegesis from Wheaton College, Illinois and her doctorate in Hebrew Studies from the University of Cambridge.
744 items found

Items Included

- PLENARY - Becoming a Refuge - Sex Trafficking and the People of God Myrto Theocharous
-PLENARY - Forgiveness in Marriage Everett L. Worthington.
-PLENARY - Revolutionary Marriage - The Revolu...he Law of Graduality John Trent
-PLENARY - Washed and Still Waiting - Homosexua...ngelical Perspective Wesley Hill
A Call To Action: Women, Religion, Violence and...n rights and dignity Karin Ryan
Aaron Smith - Respondent on Barth's Pneumatolog...mes' The Holy Spirit Aaron Smith
Aaron W. White - Early Christian Inclusion - A...the Apostolic Decree Aaron W. White
Aaron W. White - The Creative Use of Amos by th...priation of LXX-Amos Aaron W. White
Abner Chou - Knowing What Really Went Wrong in...e Nature of Marriage Abner Chou
Adam Co - More than Just Family Intimacy - Fin...with Christ the King Adam Co
Adam Howell - The Theological Meaning of the the New Testament Adam Howell
Adam Kyle Harger - Preaching Hope to the Exiles...position of Jeremiah Adam Kyle Harger
Adam Nigh - Making the Quadrilateral a Pentagon...heological Knowledge Adam Nigh
Adam Nigh - The Use of Scripture in the Life of the Church Adam Nigh
Adam W. Day - The Isaianic Servant in the Gospe...n 12 - 38 and 6 - 45 Adam W. Day
Adeeb Mickahail - Archaeology of the Family at Elephantine Adeeb Mickahail
Adrian Smith - Panel Discussion on The Fulfillm...tament Land Promises Adrian Smith
Aida Besancon Spencer - Respondent on Paul and Money Aida Besancon Spencer
Aida Besancon Spencer William David Spencer - I...iage in Ephesians 5? Aida Besancon Spencer
Aida Spencer, Dorothy Patterson, Eugene H. Merr...mily, and the Church Eugene Merrill
Akin Ersoy - New Discoveries in the Excavations of the Smyrna Agora Akin Ersoy
Alberto Timm - Marriage and Family Under the Great Revolutions Alberto Timm
Alexander Bolotnikov - Does Early Jewish Tradition Permit Divorce? Alexander Bolotnikov
Alexander C. Stewart - Heaven Has No Sorrow the Old Testament Alexander C. Stewart
Alexander E. Stewart - The Temporary Messianic...ugurated Eschatology Alexander E. Stewart
Alexander R. Gonzales - The Bridal Motif in Revelation 4-22 Alexander R. Gonzales
Alexandra Jean Harper - The Family as an Imagin...scipleship Community Alexandra Jean Harper
Amy Downey - Wall Builders - How the Theologic...nown as Christianity Amy Downey
Amy F. Davis Abdallah - Bible, Blessing, and Be...dox Marriage Liturgy Amy Davis Abdallah
Amy Peeler - Behind the Veil - The Rights of P...istle to the Hebrews Amy Peeler
Andre A. Gazal - That Which God Hath Joined Tog...ook of Common Prayer Andre A. Gazal
Andreas Köstenberger - Leon Morris Andreas J. Köstenberger
Andrew Abernethy - Reading Isaiah Responsively...ction and Conclusion Andrew T. Abernethy
Andrew Ballitch - Andrew Fuller's Consistency w...ins on the Atonement Andrew Ballitch
Andrew J. Kelley - Selected Comparisons - The...Apollonius of Tyana Andrew J. Kelley
Andrew J. Spencer - A Brief History of Evangelical Environmentalism Andrew J. Spencer
Andrew Koetsier - The Cost of Discipleship - U...y Sayings in Context Andrew Koetsier
Andrew M. Hassler - Echoes of Lament - The Rel...or NT Lament Studies Andrew M. Hassler
Andrew M. King - Among the Nations - The Funct...'s Religious Polemic Andrew M. King
Andrew MacDonald - A War Betwixt Old and New -...enth-Century America Andrew MacDonald
Andrew Schmutzer - Response from a Biblical Scholar Andrew J. Schmutzer
Andrew Schmutzer, Darrel Falk, Nathaniel Jeanso...sis - Apes to Adam? Darrel Falk
Andrew T.E. Loke - In Defense of the Causal Pri...osmological Argument Andrew Loke
Andrew T.E. Loke - Is Evolution Compatible with...ges Concerning Adam? Andrew Loke
Andrew Walker - Get Thee to a Nunnery! Discerni...and Human Sexuality Andrew Walker
Andy Naselli - Every [Other?] Sin a Person Comm...a Corinthian Slogan? Andy Naselli
Anthony Headley - Family Crucible - The Influe...istry of John Wesley Anthony Headley
Archie England - How Does a Kinsman Become a the Book of Ruth Archie England
Ardel B. Caneday - A Misguided Debate - Interp...teral Nor Figurative Ardel B. Caneday
Ardel B. Caneday - The Word Made Flesh as Myste...Dramatized by Jesus Ardel B. Caneday
Armin Baum - Adam was not deceived, but the wom...d Modern Perspective Armin D. Baum
Art Lindsley - C. S. Lewis on Selfishness vs. Self- Interest Art Lindsley
Art Lindsley, Dennis Fisher, Donald T. Williams...ysfunctional Family? Art Lindsley
Aubrey M. Sequeira - Echoes of Scripture in the...rpretive Perspective Aubrey M. Sequeira
Barry Joslin - Hebrews for the Family - How th...iscipling the Family Barry C. Joslin
Ben Montoya - A. T. Robertson - the Giant, the...nd the Great Mistake Ben Montoya
Ben Rhodes - Respondent on Barth's Pneumatology...mes' The Holy Spirit Ben Rhodes
Benjamin Burkholder - Luke's Last Supper Saying...Atonement Theology? Benjamin J. Burkholder
Benjamin Cho Shin - Relying on the Family of the Asian Church Benjamin C. Shin
Benjamin D. Giffone - According to Which Law of...amuel and Chronicles Benjamin D. Giffone
Benjamin D. Giffone - Final Authoritative Editi...Catholic Arguments? Benjamin D. Giffone
Benjamin H. Arbour - Arguments form Evil as Evi...Axiology of Atheism Benjamin H. Arbour
Benjamin J. Noonan - The Patriarchs' Building a Claim to Land? Benjamin J. Noonan
Benjamin K. Forrest - Taking Theology Home - T...of Seminary Spouses Benjamin K. Forrest
Benjamin Laird - The Lost Letters of Paul and t...auline Letter Corpus Benjamin Laird
Benjamin R. Wilson - Jew-Gentile Relations and...Acts 10 - 1-11 - 18 Benjamin R. Wilson
Benjamin Ribbens - The Significance of Post-Ref...t Debates in Hebrews Benjamin Ribbens
Benjamin Shaw - Family Worship in the Reformed...Heritage Study Bible Benjamin Shaw
Billy Puckett - A Consideration of the Relation...Moral Nature of God Billy Puckett
Bock, Breshears, Wilcox, Menuge, Shah, Forster...of Religious Liberty Angus Menuge
Bock, Martin, Smith, Kaiser - Panel Discussion...tament Land Promises Walter C Kaiser Jr
Bonnie Pattison - A Case Against Same Sex Marri...logy and Eschatology Bonnie Pattison
Boyd Seevers - The Use and Iconography of Israelite Seals Boyd Seevers
Brad F. Mellon - The Image of God for the Church Brad F Mellon
Brad F. Mellon, John Kilner, Dennis Hollinger,...Dignity and Destiny Brad F Mellon
Bradley G. Green - Augustine and Justification Reconsidered Bradley G. Green
Brandon J. O'Brien - John Locke, American Bapti...ty - A Reassessment Brandon J. O'Brien
Branson Parler - Missing Voices - James Browns...reco-Roman Sexuality Branson Parler
Brendon Helms - Aquinas, Esse, and Sexual Union Brendon Helms
Brent E. Parker - The Israel-Christ-Church Rela...of Dispensationalism Brent Parker
Brian Neil Peterson - Sodom's Sin Revisited -...type of Sodom's Evil Brian Neil Peterson
Brian P. Gault - Is Her Door Open or Closed? of Songs 8 - 8-10 Brian P. Gault
Brian P. Luther - Joseph - The Deceiver like God Brian P. Luther
Brian Schultz - Biblical Hebrew and Communicati...termediate Challenge Brian Schultz
Brian Schultz, Gerald Peterman, Lee Fields, Ran...for Greek and Hebrew Randall Buth
Brittany Kim - Cities as Daughters and Mothers...magery in the Psalms Brittany Kim
Bruce A. Ware - God _as_ Father, God _the_ Fath...ns for Human Fathers Bruce Ware
Bruce Compton - The Ordo Salutis and Monergism...vinistic Soteriology Bruce Compton
Bruce Winter - The 1st and 21st Century Marria...and Paul's Solutions Bruce Winter
Bryan Blazosky - Why 1 Timothy 1 - 8-11 Ought t...and the Law Studies Bryan Blazosky
Bryan Cribb - It Takes a Covenant Community -...eir Covenant Context Bryan Cribb
Bryant Wood - Conquest Chronology - Dating Des...ericho, Ai and Hazor Bryant G. Wood
Buist Fanning, James Dvorak, Martin Culy - Pane...eachers, and Pastors Buist Fanning
Byron G. Curtis - Biblical Chronology in the Re...raica Biblica (1534) Byron G. Curtis
C. Hassell Bullock, Ed Curtis, Tremper and Family Issues Tremper Longman III
Caleb T. Friedeman - Intertextual Rhetoric in 1 Peter 2 - 9–10 Caleb T. Friedeman
Caleb T. Friedeman - New Light on Christmas -...haracter of Luke 1–2 Caleb T. Friedeman
Candi Finch - Reformist Feminist Theology's Cri...e Traditional Family Candi Finch
Carl Trueman - We Can't Say We Weren't Warned -...ism after Obergefell Carl Trueman
Chad Meeks - In Defense of Dualism - Why the I...Not Really a Problem Chad Meeks