Jesus Prays for Our Unity (Part 2)
From the Sixth Annual Auburn Avenue Pastors Conference was held January 5-7, 2004. The topic was our responsibility to seek and preserve the unity of the Church, "Reformed Catholicity." What is the role of the Reformed in this age of moral and theological disarray in the Church of the Lord Jesus? What should be our goals? How can be become less "sectarian" and have a more "Catholic" (not Roman Catholic, mind) spirit? Speakers: Rev. John Frame of Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando; Dr. John Armstrong, Director of Reformation & Revival Ministries; Pastor Douglas Wilson of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho; Pastors Rich Lusk and Steve Wilkins of Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church.
John H. Armstrong is a former pastor and church-planter, of more than twenty years, the author/editor of eight books, and the author of hundreds of magazine, journal, and Web based articles. John has served as the editor-in-chief of the ACT 3 Review since 1992. John is the author of Five Great Evangelists (Christian Focus Publications, 1997), The Catholic... read more
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