Every Believer Confident: Apologetics for the Average Christian (1 Peter 3:15-16)
Sunday Sermon
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Every Believer Confident: Apologetics for the Average Christian
1 Peter 3:15-16
What is Apologetics? Why Apologetics?
Apologetics means: “to give an .”
“to clear oneself of .”
“to defend oneself .”
“the art of .”
Apologetics is a natural part of in which to the gospel are overcome by means of reason and persuasion.
Apologetics is . –Scott Oliphint
The starting point of apologetics is a that Jesus is the way, truth and life for every person.
No other belief system a person to God
No other object of worship is
Every person you meet needs more than they need anything else in the world
One of the best ways to become an effective apologist is to know .
Confidence comes from
Being ready to give a defense means:
Invest to learn answers
Have a mindset of to speak the truth
Have good reasons for you believe what you believe
Treat the unbeliever with love and dignity
We don’t
Our goal is not to
Our goal is not to show our
Our goal is to
Lead an life so your words are backed by action
A clear conscience indicates a lifestyle of
A clear conscience prevents unbelievers from rejecting the truth of the gospel because of Christian
Mark J. Farnham served as a presenter at the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting in Denver, CO (2018), addressing the theme, Bioethics - Open - and is affiliated with Lancaster Bible College.