An Evening of Eschatology (4 Views)
An "Evening of Eschatology" with Dr. John Master (Dispensational), Dr. Todd Mangum (Historic Premillennial), Dr. Vern Poythress (Amillennial), and Dr. Gregg Strawbridge (Postmillenial Preterist) to present their views on the biblical teaching concerning the Millennium. The Cairn University Student Theological Society hosted this event.The live audio and slides/presentation from Gregg Strawbridge's presentation is available here in video format.
Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Westminster Theological Seminary (B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1966; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1970; M.Div., Westminster Theological Seminary, 1974; Th.M., 1974; M.Litt., University of Cambridge, 1977; D.Th., University of Stellenbosch, 1981; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Fresno State College, 1970-1971; Teaching Staff, Summer Institute... read more
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