
Rev. Jared Micah McNabb

Rev. Jared Micah McNabb

Jared McNabb (M.Div. Westminster Theological Seminary; B.A. Lancaster Bible College) is the pastor of Christ Church of Morgantown, (CREC) in Morganton, WV. He previously pastored St. Paul's Church (Millers, MD) and has served as a Pastoral Intern at All Saints Church (CREC) in Lancaster PA.

14 items found

God of our Imperfections: How Disability and Theology Inform One Another 4/7/2021
A Faith that Perseveres (Philippians 2:12-16) 8/30/2020
Working in Perseverance (Philippians 2:12-18) 10/13/2019
Our Calling for the next 170 years 11/11/2018
Living as Free People (1 Peter 2:16) 11/19/2017
The Growth of the Miraculous Child (Luke 2:40-52) 12/27/2015
Luke 2:41-52 12/27/2015
Psalm 73: Worship and a Renewed Vision 5/25/2014
God's Judgment or Other People's Approval (1 Cor. 4:1-4) 1/26/2014
Luke 13 Blameshifting in Judgment 3/3/2013
Philippians (09): Confidence in What? 9/16/2012
Jonah: Repentance and Renewal 9/18/2011
The Life of Sheep (John 10) 4/25/2010
In the Breaking of the Bread 5/24/2009