
Dr. R. Todd Mangum

Dr. R. Todd Mangum

R. Todd Mangum is Clemens Professor of Missional Theology, Director of Master of Theology Program, and Academic Dean at Missio Seminary (formerly, Biblical Theological Seminary). He is the author of The Dispensational-Covenantal Rift (Waynesboro, GA: Paternoster, 2007) and Co-author with Mark S. Sweetnam, The Scofield Reference Bible: Its History and Impact on the Evangelical Church (Bletchley: Paternoster, 2009). He holds the following degrees:

BS, Philadelphia College of Bible
MA, MDiv, STM, Biblical Theological Seminary
PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary

7 items found

Church and State, Wealth and Poverty: 6 Key Questions, with answers from a missional...  
Has Our Culture Changed So Much Really? An Apologia for the Missional Turn  
The DispensationalCovenantal Rift: The Fissuring of American Evangelical Theology...  
R. Todd Mangum Pluralism Falsehoods and the Lordship of Christor How Univocal is...  
The Co-Development of Inerrancy and Dispensational Premillennialism in Early Fun...  
Neighbor to Niebuhr Christ and Culture in Postmodern Perspective  
ETS Eastern Region 2007 Business Meeting