
ETS 2014 - Perspectives on Believer Baptism (4 mp3s)

Organization: ETS National
Price: $16.00

Perspectives on Believer Baptism: Robert Kurka, John Hammett, Brandon Jones,
Robert Kurka (Lincoln Christian Seminary) - A Stone-Campbell Understanding of Baptism: A Misunderstood—and Helpful Sola Fide
John Hammett (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) - Believer Baptism: Human Act of Obedience and Divine Means of Grace
Brandon Jones (Liberty University Online) - Believer Baptism: Sacrament of the New Covenant

Panel Discussion with the Speakers

A group session from the 66th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society with the theme, "Ecclesiology" - Held November 19-21, 2014, in San Diego, CA.

Robert C. Kurka Robert C. Kurka served as a presenter at the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting in Providence, Rhode Island (2017), addressing the theme, The Heritage of the Reformation: Systematic Theology I - and is affiliated with Lincoln Christian University.
4 items found

Items Included

Brandon C. Jones - Believer Baptism: Sacrament of the New Covenant Brandon C. Jones
John Hammett - Believer Baptism: Human Act of O...ivine Means of Grace John S. Hammett
Kurka Hammet Jones Discussion - Perspectives on Believer Baptism Today Robert C. Kurka
Robert C. Kurka - A Stone-Campbell Understandin...nd Helpful Sola Fide Robert C. Kurka