
ETS 2013 Pentateuch Deuteronomy as Good News (Daniel I. Block)

ETS 2013 Pentateuch Deuteronomy as Good News (Daniel I. Block)
Organization: ETS National
Price: $16.00

Sessions from the 65th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society - "Evangelicalism, Inerrancy, and ETS," Baltimore, MD November 19–21, 2013.

PENTATEUCH Deuteronomy as Good News: A Conversation with Daniel I. Block
Moderator: Jason S. DeRouchie (Bethlehem College and Seminary) -
The Topic in Context
Jason S. DeRouchie (Bethlehem College and Seminary) - For Our Good Always: Daniel Block’s Vision of Deuteronomy
Daniel I. Block (Wheaton College) Responding to the Gospel: Six Postulates of Deuteronomic Law
Deuteronomy as Instruction (Message) - Panelists: Daniel I. Block (Wheaton College) Michael A. Grisanti (The Master’s Seminary) - Rebekah Josberger (Multnomah Biblical Seminary) J. Gordon McConville (University of Gloucestershire, England) - Peter T. Vogt (Bethel Seminary)
Deuteronomy as Scripture (Influence) - Panelists: Daniel I. Block (Wheaton College) Christopher B. Ansberry (Oak Hill College) - Jason Gile (Olivet Nazarene University and Northern Seminary) - J. Gordon McConville (University of Gloucestershire, England) - Grant R. Osborne (Trinity International University) -
Deuteronomy as Gospel (Lasting Significance) - Panelists: Daniel I. Block (Wheaton College) - Elmer A. Martens (Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary) Grant R. Osborne (Trinity International University) Myrto Theocharous (Greek Bible College, Athens, Greece) - Kenneth J. Turner (Bryan College)

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Items Included

Daniel I. Block Deuteronomy as Instruction Daniel I. Block
Daniel I. Block Responding to the Gospel - Six...of Deuteronomic Law Daniel I. Block
Deuteronomy as Gospel (Lasting Significance) Daniel I. Block
Grant R. Osbourne Deuteronomy as Scripture Grant R. Osbourne
Jason S. DeRouchie For Our Good Always - Danie...ision of Deuteronomy Jason S. DeRouchie