Fred Sanders - Introducing the TECC Project, Theology and California, and the California Body
Beth M. Stovell - C. H. Dodd
Alan S. Bandy - How the History of Interpretation Promotes Responsible Reading of The Book of Revelation
Richard E. Averbeck - Temple and Community in the Ancient Near East
Evan Howard - Spiritual Formation and Elitism: Reflections on Early Councils and Contemporary Practice
Kevin J. Vanhoozer - Role-playing, Personal Identity, and “Putting On” Christ: The Drama of Discipleship
Charity Anderson - Divine Hiddenness: Are Glimpses Enough?
James M. Hamilton Jr. - Reflections on What Is Biblical Theology? A Guide to the Bible's Story, Symbolism, and Patterns
Craig Blaising - Overview of the Book + Theological-Hermeneutical Response
Mark Gignilliat - The Old Testament and Eternal Generation
Charles Aling - Archaeological Evidence of Two house Churches: ca. 250 and 350 A.D.
Amos Yong - To the Ends of the Earth: On (Not) Knowing Where the Spirit Blows
Myk Habets - On Starting with the Spirit: The Methodology of Third Article Theology
James A. Meek - The Ecclesiology of Acts: Some Distinctive Contributions
Max Rogland - The Shema as Christian Prayer
Harry Hahne - Paul’s Methods of Interpreting Scripture in Romans 10-11 to Explain Israel’s Unbelief in Jesus
Wendy L. Widder - The "Peti" and the Power of Speech in Proverbs 1–9
Darryl G. Hart - Membership Has Its Privileges
John W. Auxier - The Ethics of Transhumanism and Human Enhancement
Michael Kibbe - Can You Get There From Here? Hermeneutical Trajectories and the Use of the OT in Hebrews
William Lane Craig - Reflections on Molinism and Theology
Paul Helm - Philosophy, Theology and the Kingdom
Dennis R. Magary - Is Job Theologically Correct?
Denis Lamoureux - No Historical Adam, Evolutionary Creation View
John H. Walton - A Historical Adam, Archetypal Creation View
C. John Collins - A Historical Adam, Old-Earth Creation View
William Barrick - A Historical Adam, Young-Earth Creation View
Michael A G Haykin - Writing the Life of Samuel Pearce: Andrew Fuller’s Edwardsean Biography
Andrew Carter Marquez - From Seed of Abraham to Children of Faith
Chris Stevens - Markedness, Prominence, and the Pauline Imperfect Tense-Form: Testing the Binary and Tripartite Planes of Discourse Models
Mark F. Rooker - Are There Signs of Late Biblical Hebrew in Isaiah 40-66?
Kevin E. Lawson - Cave Lector: What Theologians and Biblical Scholars Need to Know to be Wise Consumers of Empirical Research
Paige Patterson - Church Discipline: Why Baptism and the Supper Are Essential To an Effective Program of Pastoral Oversight
Jason G. Duesing - A Roman Catholic Cousin: An Evaluation of Anglican Episcopal Ecclesiology
Phillip R. Bethancourt - Long Live the King: The Kingdom of God and the Ethics of the Church
David Casas - "It Seemed Good to the Holy Spirit and to Us" Congregational Church Polity: Egalitarianism or Consensus?
Steele Brand - Israelite Political Thought and What It Means for Church Polity
Jason S. Sexton - Punishing and Healing the California Body: The California Dept. of Corrections, Anthropology, and the Church
David T. Ngong - Who is the Holy Spirit in Contemporary African Christianity?
Rajkumar Boaz Johnson - An Appraisal of India’s Engagement with the Holy Spirit: Pandita Ramabai and Sufi Kabir
Greg Beale - Response to James M. Hamilton Jr.'s What Is Biblical Theology? A Guide to the Bible's Story, Symbolism, and Patterns
Armin Baum - Rudolf Bultmann
Rob Dalrymple - Reading Revelation Responsibly: The People of God and Christian Zionism
Daniel A. Warner - Amplification of Canaanite Cult Based Upon Refined Archaeological Methodologies
John Coe - Why Spiritual Formation is the Slowest Motion on Earth: The Weakness the Will
Robert L. Saucy - The Biblical Heart and the Way of it's Transformation: Growing into Christ
Michael Rea - Transcendence and Divine Hiddenness
Michael A. Grisanti -
Darrell Bock -
Christina Larsen - Jonathan Edwards and Eternal Generation
Scott Stripling - The Rise and Fall of the Maqatir Monastery
Scott Harrower - The Eternal Analogue of God the Son’s Economic Return to God the Father by God the Spirit: Its Methodological and Ecumenical Significance
Amy F. Davis Abdallah - Invented Liturgies for Life Passages
Andrew Wilson - “They Were All Baptised Into Moses In The Cloud”: A Fresh Look at 1 Corinthians 10:2
Brian P. Luther - Reading the Song of Songs as Scripture: The Necessity of Intertexts
William B. Evans - American Christianity (invited): American Evangelical Ecclesiology and Soteriology
John Mark Yeats - American Christianity (invited): American Evangelical Ecclesiology and Soteriology
Willie Honeycutt - Bioethics in the Local Church: Option or Obligation?
Benjamin Ribbens - Does Christ Atone for Sins in Heb 2:17?
John D. Laing - On Parsing the Knowledge & Will of God, or Calvinism & Middle Knowledge in Conversation
Brian Gault - Job's Hope: Resurrection or Retribution?
Jonathan S. Marko - John Locke’s Freedom of the Will
Mitch Chase - Literary Design in Hebrews 11: Possible Inclusios and the Theme of Death and Deliverance
Robert L. Plummer - “Normal” Greek Word Order: Caveats and Nuances
T. Dale Johnson - Hubmaier and Conversion Therapy: A Case for Religious Liberty in Counseling
Rodrick Durst - Practicing Church Discipline: Why Deconstructive Criticism Works Better than Constructive Criticism
Kenneth J. Stewart - The Papacy as a Unitive Power? Some Historical Considerations
Eddie N. Colanter - Surrogacy, Artificial Reproductive Technologies, Family, and the Church: What Can We Learn from Dr. Megan Best’s Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Ethics and the beginning of human life
Michael J. Svigel - Can an Ecclesiology Be Biblical if It’s Not Apostolic? Historical Problems in Evangelical Ecclesiological Method
Lee Beach - The Church, Exile and Post-Christendom
Jillian L. Ross - Parchments and Palimpsests: A Taxonomy of Literary Devices in the First and Second Degree as It Relates to Inner-Biblical Allusion
Lars Kierspel - Agabus was not a false prophet! Patterns of Recurrence in Preview (Acts 21:11) and Review (Acts 28:17-18)
Craig Detweiler - Extreme Makeover: Human Edition: How Nor Cal and So Cal Problematize the Body (in remarkably different ways)
Oscar García-Johnson - Spirit Outside the Gate: The Marks of the Spirit Across the Americas
Edward W. Klink III - Reflections on Understanding Biblical Theology: A Comparison of Theory and Practice
Darian R. Lockett - Reflections on Understanding Biblical Theology: A Comparison of Theory and Practice
Stanley E. Porter - J. A. T. Robinson
Michael J. Gorman - Reading Revelation Responsibly
Mark J. Boda - Relaying the Foundation, Relaying the Tradition: Temple Construction Texts in Persian Period Biblical Books
Tom Schwanda - Susanna Anthony and Sarah Osborn: Spiritual Friendship in Early American Evangelicalism
Stephen P. Greggo - Theodramtic Anthropology & the ‘Significant’ Self: Implications for Therapeutic Relating
Adam Green - Hiddenness and the Epistemology of Attachment
Peter J. Gentry - Dispensational Study Group: A Review of Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical Understanding of the Covenants by Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum
Stephen Wellum - Dispensational Study Group: A Review of Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical Understanding of the Covenants by Peter Gentry and Stephen Wellum
Michael Allen - Eternal Generation after Barth
Robert W. Smith - The Abila Area E Basilica Complex in Palaestina Secunda
Marc Cortez - Idols, Images, and a Spirited Anthropology: Connecting Christology, pneumatology and the imago Dei
Frank Lyons - Critiquing Cranmer: Ordo and Ecclesial Identity
David I. Starling - Justifying Allegory: Scripture, Rhetoric and Reason in Gal. 4:21—5:1
Byron G. Curtis - Wit in the Witness?—Cures for Translators’ Aphasia in the Prophets’ Paronomasia
Samuel Tyson - Dependent Independence: Connectivity Among Churches in Early American Baptist Life
Stephen M. Vantassel - The Food Morality Movement: A Biblical and Theological Evaluation
Elaine Bernius - Dialect Representation as a Marker of Job’s Compositional Unity
Liz Myers - Who Used Whom? The Likely Direction of Borrowing between Hebrews and 1 Peter in Light of Probable Literary Dependence
Kirk R. MacGregor - Molina's Pastoral Theology
Ian J Maddock - "The Whole World is Now My Parish": a Comparison of the Ecclesiological Conversions of John Wesley and George Whitefield
Carl Mosser - The Implausibility of a Roman Destination for Hebrews
Shawn J. Wilhite - Revisiting the Historical Present: John 13 as a Test Case for the Prominence of Discourse Features
Sung Jin Park - The Prosodic Characteristics of the Divisions by the Tiberian Accentuation System
Michael Wittmer - What Is God Doing in Baptism? A Sacramental View for Baptists
Donald Tinder - Denominationalism: The Mostly Missing Topic within Ecclesiology
David S. Kotter - Remember the Poor: New Testament Insights for the Church on the Problems of Poverty, Riches, and Redistribution
Patrick Willis - Acts 9:31 and Multi-site Ecclesiology: Marriage or Mismatch?
Chase R. Kuhn - Abstract vs. Concrete Realities – Distinguishing Ekklesia and the "People of God"
Thomas J. Sappington - The Ministry of Deliverance in the Acts of the Apostles: Reassessing the Evidence
Jeremy R. Treat - Created To Play: A Theology of Sports
Paul R. House - Response to Edward W. Klink III and Darian R. Lockett's Understanding Biblical Theology: A Comparison of Theory and Practice
Richard J. Mouw - People of our Common Clay': Thinking Theologically about Humanness in California
Robert W. Yarbrough - Adolf Schlatter
Michael J. Gorman - The Book of Revelation: Reading Revelation Responsibly
Alan S. Bandy - The Book of Revelation: Reading Revelation Responsibly
Rob Dalrymple - The Book of Revelation: Reading Revelation Responsibly
Richard E. Averbeck - Old Testament Backgrounds / Ancient Near East (Invited): Temple, Tabernacle, and Community in the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East
Daniel A. Warner - Old Testament Backgrounds / Ancient Near East (Invited): Temple, Tabernacle, and Community in the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East
Mark J. Boda - Old Testament Backgrounds / Ancient Near East (Invited): Temple, Tabernacle, and Community in the Old Testament and the Ancient Near East
Joanne Jung - Character Formation in Online Education
Robert Kellemen - Theo-Drama and Gospel-Centered Counseling: God’s Redemptive Drama and Our Ultimate Life Questions
Trent G. Dougherty - Visible Faith in a Hidden God
R. Kendall Soulen - “Your name that you have given me”: The Tetragrammaton and the Eternal Procession of the Son
David Vila - The Churches of Abila in the Early Islamic Period
Joseph McGarry - Formed by the Spirit: A TAT Accounting of Spiritual Formation in Christ
Rustin J. Umstattd - The Lord’s Supper: A Case for Reclaiming the Symbolic Meal from a Symbol of a Meal
Greg Beale - Biblical Theology (invited): Defining Biblical Theology
James M. Hamilton Jr. - Biblical Theology (invited): Defining Biblical Theology
Paul R. House - Biblical Theology (invited): Defining Biblical Theology
Edward W. Klink III - Biblical Theology (invited): Defining Biblical Theology
Darian R. Lockett - Biblical Theology (invited): Defining Biblical Theology
A. Chadwick Thornhill - Why All the Hate? Jacob and Esau Traditions in Early Judaism and in Paul’s Letter to the Romans
William A. Ross - There is No Spoon: Text-Critical Question Begging in the ‘Acrostic’ of Nahum 1
Michael J. Lynch - “In Mediis Tutissime Ibis”: An Examination of Robert Lewis Dabney’s View of the Extent of Christ’s Satisfaction
John H. Evans - The Public View of Theological Anthropology
Daniel Estes - Communicating the Book of Job in the 21st Century
Dongshin D. Chang - The Combined Concept of Priesthood and Covenant in Hebrews
Guillaume Bignon - "Lord Willing and God Forbid": Divine Permission, Asymmetry, and Counterfactuals
Matthew Lyon - Fundamentalism and Gender: John R. Rice on the Role of Women in the Church
Chiaen Liu - Sprinkling the Blood–A Study of Intertextuality in Heb 9.1–22
Isaac Blois - For the Glory of God and the Praise of Man:
Textual Variants in Phil. 1:11 as Early Christian Commentary
Jonathan Kiel - Verbal Valency: What It Is and Why It Matters
Gerry Breshears - Is Baptism Necessary to Receive Forgiveness of Sins? Acts 2:38 and Evangelism
Charles Raith II - Shifts in Evangelical Ecumenism and A Vision for Its Future
Christopher Vena - Green Church: On the Possibility of an Ecological Ecclesiology
Shawn D. Wright - Baptists and a Plurality of Elders: an Historical, Biblical, and Practical Apology
Thomas P. Johnston - Multiform Itinerant Ministry for a Healthy Local Church
Chip M. Anderson - Not by the Numbers (Eph 2:11-22): The Significance of the “One New Humanity” on the Power of Sacred Space and Church Growth
Jonathan Hoglund - Theodramatic Rescription: Pastoral Implications of a Dialogical Effectual Call
Nate Collins - Jewish Virgins and Widows: A Contextual Analysis of Unmarried, Female Sexuality in the Religious Background of the New Testament
Hubert James Keener - David’s Swan Song: Psalm 144 and Its Place in the Shaping of the Psalter
S. Donald Fortson III - Old New Calvinism: The New School Presbyterian Spirit
John Warwick Montgomery - A "Plastic" Biblical Text? The Recent Controversy among the Lutherans on the Philosophy of Textual Criticism
Teri Merrick - Redefining Methodist Marriage: Neo-Kantian Prescriptions for Retaining Semantic Continuity
Angus Menuge - Creativity and the Information Problem
Paul R. House - Friendship as Long Conversation: Interactions with Wendell Berry
C. Ben Mitchell - Friendship as Long Conversation: Interactions with Wendell Berry
Richard A. Bailey - Friendship as Long Conversation: Interactions with Wendell Berry
Carlos E. Mora - The Remnant in Daniel 11:40-45
Charles Martin - What has Social History to do with Hebrews? Familial Language within an Interpretive Framework
Daniel B. Wallace - The Ignorance of the Son in Matthew 24.36: A Study in Textual and Redaction Criticism
John Shouse - A Typology for Evangelical Engagement with Islam: A Theological Analysis and Assessment
Leo Percer - Paul's Vision of the Church: Embodied or Electronic?
Jerry Root - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis
R. Douglas Geivett - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis
Dennis Fisher - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis
Jeff Baxter - C. S. Lewis: Death and Hope in the Writings of C. S. Lewis