
DVD Video - ACCS 2007 Conference Plenary Session

DVD Video - ACCS 2007 Conference Plenary Session
Topic: DVD Video
Organization: ACCS DVD
Price: $75.00
this is a DVD video of all 5 plenary sessions from the ACCS 2007 Conference "Christ: The Lord of Classical Christian Education" - recorded in Atlanta (June 21-23, 2007), featuring plenary sessions with George Grant, Douglas Wilson, and Matt be shipped a few weeks after the conference(within a month after the conference). Sessions: The Kuyperian Vision of Christ's Lordship - George Grant; Christ's Lordship over Culture - Douglas Wilson; Christ: The Lord of the Classroom - Matt Whitling; Christ: The Lord of Kirk and Covenant - George Grant; and Christ: The Lord of the Future - Douglas Wilson.

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Mp3 CD - ACCS 2007 Conference (all sessions)
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The Kuyperian Vision of Christ's LordshipGeorge Grant