
Teens - Is Rebellion the Norm?

Teens - Is Rebellion the Norm?
Part 6 of a 10 part series.
Topic: Childrearing
Organization: Providence Church
Price: $3.00

The Christian Home: Bringing Up Godly Children with Douglas & Nancy Wilson. From the 2006 Providence Church conference (held July 22, 2006), featuring 8 audio messages. Our culture, including our Christian culture, is confused about many things. Perhaps no confusion runs so deep and is so important as the confusion surrounding the duty of raising godly children. Douglas and Nancy are wonderful teachers in this fundamental duty of Christian parents. Their teaching is biblical, practical, full of wisdom and it works.

Douglas Wilson Douglas Wilson is the author of Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning and The Case for Classical Christian Education. He is the pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, ID and a founding member of the Association of Classical and Christian Schools.

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