13 Sumpter Children and the Kingdom 02
of a
part series.
A talk from the - Biblical Horizons 2012 Conference - 2012, 16-20 July, Monday evening to Friday noon.
Topic: Back to Basics.
Peter Leithart: Gratitude and Thanksgiving.
Jeff Meyers: The Ministry of the Church as Priest, King, and Prophet.
James Jordan: Basics of Biblical Worldview.
Toby Sumpter: Children and the Kingdom
Worship: Sung Vespers each evening; Psalm Roar in the mornings.
Toby Sumpter (M.A.T.S., Erskine Theological Seminary) is a pastor at Christ Church (CREC, Moscow, ID) and a host on the Crosspolitic podcast . He served as minister of Holy Trinity Church (Greenville, SC) and Trinity Reformed (Moscow, ID).
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