
Rev. Laurence Windham

Rev. Laurence  Windham

Laurence Windham serves as the senior pastor at Saint Peter Presbyterian Church (CREC), Bristol, VA. Before coming to Saint Peter Presbyterian, he studied at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, worked at Ligonier Ministries, and served as a campus minister at the University of Central Florida for Reformed University Fellowship (the campus ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America).

Downloadable Sets

All Saints Winter Confererence with Laurence Windham - Desire, Devotion and the Reformation (5 mp3s) 5 FREE

21 items found

Matthew 5 9/24/2023
Graveside Service of Rev. Dr. Gregg Strawbridge 2/3/2022
For the Thirst of the World 6/28/2020
Magnifying Christ 6/21/2020
Jesus Appropriates "The News" 6/7/2020
What Does Glory Mean? 5/3/2020
6. Covenant, Story, Kingdom 10/20/2019
5. Romans 12:1 Identity in Christ 10/20/2019
4. Righteous Cause, Glorious Effect 10/19/2019
3. Covenant as Story 10/19/2019
2. Maturity is the plan 10/19/2019
1. Communal Language 10/18/2019
02 Wisdom in Spiritual Maturity (report on St Peter actions for spiritual format... 4/22/2019
05 Hungering and Thirsting For Righteousness 2/25/2018
04 Covenant, Story, and Kingdom 2/24/2018
03 Ministry: What's Love Got to Do with It 2/24/2018
Rocking the World: What Happens When a Woman Speaks 2/24/2018
01 For the Love of God: Man Re-Storied 2/24/2018
We are His Workmanship - His Beauty 9/30/2012
Rich Young Ruler 4/15/2010
Rich Young Ruler 6/21/2009