The passionate aim of CHRISTCENTRIC is to orient the whole of life to consciously treasure the Person and Work of Christ as the focal point of thinking and living. This CHRISTCENTRIC trajectory is fleshed out providentially in the lives of a group of likeminded friends who use their talents to glorify God by building up the saints and evangelizing the lost. With the passion of the prophets of old, they carry the name of Christ to their hearers through a lyrical brand of music they refer to as didactic music. With the boom bap of beats and the melodic musings of rhymes they passionately preach, teach, and defend the message of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. CHRISTCENTRIC, headquartered in Germantown, MD (a suburb of Washington, D.C.), began in the mind and prayers of Evangel and Q-D.O.G. in 1996. Growing up in the hip-hop culture and loving to rhyme, they both aspired to one day become professional hip-hop artists. While separately on their quests in the world to make it in the hip-hop industry-each of them on a path of prodigal living-God took hold of their lives, brought them together, and changed their vision. Learn more about Christcentric.