
David I. Yoon

A speaker for the 2022 National meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society

16 items found

David I. Yoon Honor-Shame, Heirarchy, and the Antioch Incident_ How Paul's Conviction... 11/15/2022
David I. Yoon Honor-Shame, Heirarchy, and the Antioch Incident_ How Paul's Conviction... 11/15/2022
David I. Yoon Honor-Shame, Heirarchy, and the Antioch Incident_ How Paul's Conviction... 11/15/2022
Conditional Immortality Under Fire: Identifying the Semantic Fallacies of Annihi...  
HonorShame Heirarchy and the Antioch Incident: How Pauls Conviction Subverts Cultural...  
Conditional Immortality Under Fire: Identifying the Semantic Fallacies of Annihi...  
Conditional Immortality Under Fire: Identifying the Semantic Fallacies of Annihi...  
David I. Yoon HonorShame Heirarchy and the Antioch Incident How Pauls Conviction...  
HonorShame Heirarchy and the Antioch Incident: How Pauls Conviction Subverts Cultural...  
Paul's Ethics in Galatians: Revisiting the Function of the Paraenesis in Light of...  
Speech Functions and Speech Acts: An Examination of the Tenor of Galatians 1:6-1...  
The Unbelieving Husband Has Been Sanctified"? The Perfect Tense-Form and 1 Corinthians...  
David I. Yoon - The Shepherd of Hermas, Codex Sinaiticus, and the New Testament Canon...  
David I. Yoon - Lexical Semantics and the Meaning of ERGA TOU NOMOU (works of the...  
David I. Yoon - The Scribal Use of Ektheses as Discourse Markers in the Galatians...  
David I. Yoon - The Gospel of Peter, Source Criticism, and Oral Tradition