
Mr. Andrew W. Pitts

Mr. Andrew W. Pitts

Andrew W. Pitts is Dean and Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at Veritas Evangelical Seminary

Ph.D. cand. McMaster Divinity College
M.A. McMaster Divinity College
B.Th. Masters College and Seminary
B.B.S. Calvary Chapel Bible College
Co-New Testament editor of the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary

5 items found

Teaching Them to Obey: The Rhetorical Function of Language and Scripture in 1 Pe...  
The Scribal Infrastructure of Early Christianity  
A Reassessment of the Use of VariantUnits in New Testament Textual Criticism: Definitions...  
Andrew W. Pitts - písti? Word Groups outside of the New Testament and the písti?...  
The PISTIS CHRISTOU Construction - 55 Reasons Why the Grammar is not Ambigious