
Pastor Jack Phelps

Pastor Jack  Phelps

Jack Phelps has been the Pastor of Covenant Bible Church since April, 1984. Originally licensed to preach the Gospel by Victorville Bible Church in 1973, he was ordained to the Christian ministry in August, 1984.

Pastor Phelps undertook his baccalaureate studies in geology at San Diego State College and Portland State University. He received his theological training at Multnomah School of the Bible, earning a ThB (major in English Bible and minor in Koine Greek) in 1978. While at Multnomah, he read extensively in the writings of B.B. Warfield, Charles Hodge, E.J. Young, Louis Berkhof and R.J. Rushdoony. This convinced him to leave dispensationalism and embrace covenant theology.

An Air Force veteran of the Vietnam war, Phelps has worked as a miner, a logger, a mechanic, a journalist, as professional staff for the Alaska State House of Representatives and the United States Senate and as an adviser to four Alaska governors.

Pastor Phelps is the author of Baptism: Two Vital Questions (Seventh Trumpet Books, 1990), How Home Schooling Will Change America (Seventh Trumpet Books, 1994) and Against Education Vouchers (Canon Press, 1994), The Devil’s Diet (Kuyperian Press, 2023). His newest book, Preaching to Martians, will be released in Kindle format in 2023. Phelps is currently writing commentaries on the Psalms of Asaph and First Corinthians 11-14. He has been married to Debra since 1970. They have 5 children and many great children.

In the autumn of 2008, Pastor Phelps was elected Presiding Minister of the CREC Council. He served a 3 year term and was reelected in 2011 to a second term and presided until October, 2014.

332 items found

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Vocational Calling Part 2 1/19/2025
Vocational Calling Romans 12: 1-3 1/12/2025
Praying the Scriptures 1/5/2025
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Walk the Walk, Part 2 (Eph3:25-32) 10/20/2024
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Building Up the Church 8/25/2024
Humiliation and Exaltation 8/18/2024
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Trinity and Community 8/4/2024
A Worthy Walk (Eph 4:1-3) 7/28/2024
Prayer for the Church (Eph 3:14-21) 7/21/2024
Apostolic Work (Eph 3:7-13) 7/14/2024
The Hidden Gospel (Eph 3:1-7) 7/7/2024
The Household of God (Eph 2:13-22) 6/30/2024
Brought Near By Christ's Blood (Eph 2:8-14) 6/23/2024
The Benediction (Num 6:22-27) 6/2/2024
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Ascension Prayers (Lev 1:6-9; 23:13; Eph 5:2; Rev 5:8-10) 5/12/2024
The Ascension Offering (Heb 4:11-16) 5/5/2024
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Jesus Only 3/31/2024
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A Prayer for God's People (Eph 1:15-23) 3/3/2024
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1 Timothy 1:511 2/17/2024
Redemption Through His Blood Eph 1:6-10 2/11/2024
Jesus: The Foundation Stone 2/4/2024
Union with Christ (Eph 1:1-6) 1/28/2024
Covenantal Faithfulness (Hosea 14:1-9) 1/21/2024
Sins Have Consequences (Hosea 13:1-16) 1/14/2024
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Thou Art the Christ 12/25/2023
A Sign from the Lord (Isaiah 7:1-16) 12/24/2023
God's Love and Mercy (Romans 8:28-39) 12/10/2023
The Indictment of Sin (Hosea 11:12-12:14) 11/26/2023
Covenantal Compassion 11/5/2023
Doctrinal Controversy: The Person of Christ 11/4/2023
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Of Faith Or Not (Acts 8:14-25) 2/9/2020
Even to Samaritans (Acts 9:5-13) 2/2/2020
Redemption History (Acts 7:1-53) 1/12/2020
Bearing False Witness (Acts 6:815) 1/5/2020
Future Glory for Gods People (I John 3:13) 12/29/2019
Knowing Jesus Part 2 (I John 2:3-11) 12/22/2019
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Unquenchable Light (John 1:1-5) 12/8/2019
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Preparing for Calamity (Acts 4:32-37) 9/29/2019
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Standing Firm for Jesus (Acts 4:5-22) 9/15/2019
The Power of Jesus Name (Acts 3:11-26) 9/8/2019
The Lame Shall Leap (Acts 3:1-10) 9/1/2019
Aligning with Jesus (Acts 2:37-40) 8/11/2019
The Evangelistic Sermon (Acts 2:14-36) 8/4/2019
The Power of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4) 7/21/2019
Genuine Unity (Acts 1:11-14) 7/7/2019
The Guidance of the Holy Ghost (Acts 13:13-15) 6/30/2019
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The Apostolic Mission (Acts 1:6-11) 6/16/2019
Acts of the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:1-5) 6/9/2019
Salvation Secured (Luke 24:13-53) 4/21/2019
The Fellowship of His Suffering (Philippians 3:1-15) 4/14/2019
Faithful Servants of God (Philippians 2:19-30) 4/7/2019
Poured Out as a Drink Offering (Philippians 2:12-17) 3/31/2019
The Sufferings of Christ (Colossians 1:21-25) 3/24/2019
Laboring in Prayer (Colossians 4:12-13) 3/17/2019
Replacement Living (Ephesians 4:17-24) 3/10/2019
The Case Laws 10/21/2018
Ratifying the Covenant 10/14/2018